Comments by "Sky is really High" (@skyisreallyhigh3333) on "More Perfect Union" channel.

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  26. ​ @BigTrees4ever  So because modern capitalism isn't what Smith defined in "Wealth of Nations", that means this isn't capitalism? That just isn't true. What we are living under is capitalism, plain and simple. Smith was also a myth maker who ignored what was happening in what was his present day England and wrote about a utopia in Wealth of Nations. I find him to be a terrible philosopher to look at for inspiration. Our western economy really doesn't have elements of workers controlling the means of production at all. Calling what we have as corporate socialism is just butchering what the meaning of socialism is. Its capitalism. This is how capitalism has always worked. Capitalism is not free market economics. Free market economics existed long before capitalism did. In the Middle East surrounding the Indian Ocean, they had a free market system going that they took very seriously. The Indian Ocean was very peaceful for hundreds of years until the capitalists came in and started bombarding everything. What the middle east had was not capitalism, and they knew that centering the profit motive would lead to disaster. They could have become a capitalist empire, but never did. China has also been in the same position hundreds of years ago. You believe in a utopian capitalism created by enlightenment era philosophers who created myth to justify colonialism and imperialism, two major aspects of capitalism. You decide that because we don't live in the Utopia dreamed up by Smith, than we aren't living under capitalism. to sum up, markets aren't capitalism. Capitalism is a socio-economic system based especially on private ownership of the means of production and the exploitation of the labor force. That's what we have. I highly suggest you read Debt: "The First 5000 Years" by David Graeber and "Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy" and "The Prehistory of Private Property" by Grant S. McCall and Karl Widerquist Happy reading
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