Comments by "Abella Seksa" (@abellaseksa8513) on "The Grind: Whale Hunting in the Faroe Islands (Trailer)" video.
***** for these islanders of less than 50.000 people its a big problem for them that so many online jump to conclusions and judge them based on misinformation. It´s good that you stop up for a second, think, and do some research.
The fact is these pilot whales die quickly. Not as fast as a bullet to the head, but almost.
While many locals there help with the slaughter the kill it self is only allowed to be done by a hand few locals that have the propper skills to make the killing as fast as possible.
This is done via a one cut move, a handful length away from the blowhole, and all the way in and down, in one move. This cuts the vital spinal cord and the main artery there, and causes a so massive and sudden bloodpressure drop that the animal dies within a second by making it braindead. That is fast by any standard.
The big animal may still move after this, but so does a headless chicken. Even our industrialized pigs, who hang up after they also been brainkilled via a stumpgun, and than slized up can jingle and move, eventhough most would describe them as being dead. This is all nerves that cause the animal to keep moving. Anyone lived near nature and been in a slaughterhouse knows this.
After the big pilot whales is braindead they may cut it some more, to make it bleed out faster. Its also part of our modern industrialized slaughter process, that after what ever method used to brainkill the animal, to than cut it open some more, to let the blood bleed out faster. This is done both for preserving taste (slow bleeding gives a bad aftertaste in the meat) and to make it easier to move the animal body when less blood is in it.
After all this, first than the big braindead and bleed out animal is dragged on land to be cut into smaller pieces and than the meat is handed to the locals. Freely.
These methods are not that much different from what happens to our pigs and alike. But one of the differences is our industrialized food production hides their bloody killing in huge slaughter houses and few to no shoppers in the local supermarkert has really a clue about the origin of their own meat, and therefor easily jump to conclusions and bash these islanders when they so openly do their slaughering out in the open nature where everyone can see how a killing never is a pretty sight.
Most city people today have simply just lost touch with nature and how and where food comes from.