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Joe Swanson
Legion Of Men
Comments by "Joe Swanson" (@joeswanson733) on "Legion Of Men" channel.
@bplayerr1 nope the last 20 years was a big shift. Actually the shift started about 50 years ago but it got more drastic decade by decade
i'd argue that they never did. but since they were starting at near zero and the guy was at level 3... you could argue average back then was still above them.. but that's just my take.
Well actually this is interesting do you need the real thing or not if something can activate all your g spot nerve impulses in the brain and the sensation is the same as the real thing?
The universe will unfold as it should
yes that's basically what it boils down to. a contract where... you get nothing out of it.
china has a lot of out of wedlock births during the one child policy era. those people have no papers in theory they don't exist.
the rich chinese men. have no issues. they can do wha you just said. the ones that really suffer are hte poor chinese men with little to no resource.s
if it ever gets that bad... it's time to punch out the time card permanently.
hmmm... what do you think of women with stnadards that are too high? just curious.
you know there once was a time that a wealthy man could get and hold a wife... without question.. you know the situation is bad and dire now that even rich men whom have always been pegged as among the elites in society...can't hold a woman now. crazy.
actually if you look at successful women they're saying oh i have money, house, car, career, friends, pets fun personality etc all that and they 're saying oh how come i can't find a man... im always facepalming becausing those are male dating strategies... tehy're using male mating strategies to attract men? like wtf kind of willy wonka land are we living in now?
hence why the polygamy marriages stopped because the communists won.
don't bother the ROI for bank robberies is so low. you might as well learn email phishing instead.
i'd rather hire based on merit. or train new workers. start them off with basic pay and they work their way up.... that would be preferrable.
@tell-it-like-it-is8305 plumber out of time starring Liam neeson
that's why they don't lke it. the patsy is bowing out.
@giuseppe9501 well sell it and relocate to ohio or something
i'll boil it down fem-ini ism will continue to weaken the west. the middle east, asia/SE asia will continue to grow more powerful eventually they will consume the west without firing a shot also the west wants to die out. look at the birthrates in the west. it's in free fall. fine you bring in migrants from the middle east... and africa... well eventually your country isn't really your country anymore. so west just want to die.
Don't b surprised if they pulled fdr again and outlaw gold.
nothing to see here folks keep watching your football and drinking your beer.
@epictetusghost1369 the oldest babyboomers are 76, oldest gen x 59, millennials are 42
you calling bo a millennial? you calling someone that is in their 40s a millennial?
when a country that lasted 5000 + years is still here. theyre god mode. china and india are the 2 longest lasting countries on this planet. egypt don't count as they been ransacked so many times. babylon is gone.
well actually the reason why teh boomer generation was so big was because the ww2 generation on average had like 4 kids per couple. and the older silent gen as well. avg 3 kids per couple. when you get to the (younger silent gen) baby boomer generation they were the first to use contraceptives, focus more on career delaying the adult milestones etc. and then you see gen x the smallest generation in american history (by proportion) the only reason the millennials are so big as a cohort is because with teh boomers if you just average 1-2 kids per couple that is still enough to create 70+ million people for that cohort. gen z is a byproduct of gen x and with a small generation you will have a small generation as gen x took contraceptives and family planning with more delays. so if our society is based on cosntant growth than it will collapse.
europe is not traditional... i laugh when people say traditional and they use european countries as references...
same as pearly they talk all this game but their own lives... don't exactly reflect that.
thanos... you were right all along
video games can branch off into more productive hobbies but not for everyone
@teoleno4019 dont' you have it the other way around.. there's plenty of people on their death bed regretting stuff and its usually family related...
actually america is a communist country look at karl marx 10 point manifesto Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose. (this will happen in the usa) A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax. (check) Abolition of All Rights of Inheritance. (this will happen in the usa) Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels. (check) Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly. (check) Centralization of the Means of Communication and Transport in the Hands of the State. (check) Extension of Factories and Instruments of Production Owned by the State, the Bringing Into Cultivation of Waste Lands, and the Improvement of the Soil Generally in Accordance with a Common Plan. (check) Equal Liability of All to Labor. Establishment of Industrial Armies, Especially for Agriculture. (skipped) Combination of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries; Gradual Abolition of the Distinction Between Town and Country by a More Equable Distribution of the Population over the Country. (check) Free Education for All Children in Public Schools. Abolition of Children's Factory Labor in it's Present Form. Combination of Education with Industrial Production. (check)
in the governments eyes... your rights end when it affects their bottom line.
yes because asia has always been seen as the pheonix that rises from the ash of the west.
at this point you do you. don't matter what bo thinks of you. it's your life you get one and just live it. but you do need to work out to some extent and make some kind of money to live i don't think anyone would be foolish enough to challenge that notion
@shiningdragon8737 well this is interesting. because when it was the 1970s the arcades for the most part (at least from what i can find) were just seen as a novelty. people had no issue with it. then again we're talking about more analog games like whack a mole pinball or foozball to "video" games then the atari consoles were available plus more "video" game arcades becing made available. again it was seen as a hobbyist type of thing for geeks and nerds and people again didn't have any issue with it. probably because at the time it was pretty expensive so you had to really make decenet scrtch to be able to afford one. then the NES became available in NA in 1985 and again seen as a toy for kids and again people can't attack kids as kids are not touchable. it wasn't until the 1990s thats what i recall video games really started getting flamed because they were starting to make more violent content. the kids of the 1980s became the teens of the 1990s adults were starting to play video games more and it was starting to draw money away from other past times.
shhh that's not something we tell people.
@exosisyphus sorry bruh but if you're talking about who would outlast whom... i would pick islam.
i wonder what would happen if men saved money, invested, and focused on their retirement funds instead?
@saur2244 you know somebody is seriously wrong when in 1857 a government that is more ruthless and cutthroat said bachelor's were taxed enough already
very common among the millennial generation. really started with gen x
for yeaars we read on the headlines many men are not economically attractive... or do not make good husband material.... code words there.
yes they're doing everyone a favor.
1960s- first singles ads 1970s - speed dating 1980s - video dating 1990s- video dating plus the infancy of internet dating 2000s - refined internet dating 2010s - dating apps /tinder you can see it getting harder decade by decade.
double standards what else is new.
@rodhester2166 i just hoep they don't malfunction and revolt against humans.
carrot on a stick
i would bet yes
@andradeb2695 you are a Superman
socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
if anything what they truly hate are the rich oligarchs that wield all the money and influence (this group includese both men and women) so the people of england that say love the royal family... for example. the royal family is one of the textbook definitions of that oligarch that lord over you and people like that you don't see feminists say down wih the royal family.