Comments by "Zhongshan Sun" (@zhongshansun1439) on "In full: Japan PM Fumio Kishida's keynote address at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore" video.
Japan must play its part and put money into the collective defense of the Open and Prosperous Indo-Pacific.
Japan must allocate at least 3% of its GDP into the collective defense of the region.
Ideally Japan should allocate 5% of its GDP to collective defense matters of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific.
World War 2 is over, Japan must get over it and stop hiding and take up a more proactive approach to the collective defense of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific.
Japan should join the rest of the like minded democracies in the Freedom of Navigation and Anti-Piracy Operations.
Japan must help to enforce UN Resolutions and Sanctions.
North Korea to be precise.
Piracy and illegal Trade, ilegitimate High Sea transfer of weapons, Fuels etc are big challenges in this part of the World, the Indo-Pacific
So , Japan work together with the US, Australia, Canada, India, S. Korea, Taiwan RoC, UK, France, New Zealand, ASEAN, EU and Nato members like Germany, Spain, Italy, Holland to conduct
anti-Piracy, policing and FONOPS in the Indo-Pacific including the Straits of Taiwan, Straits of Malacca, East Sea, Seas around Senkaku islands and includimg but not ending with the hotly disputed and contested South China Sea.
Japan Should built and provide their Light Aircraft Carriers or Multi purpose destroyers like the Izumo to countries that operates the F35 B in Asia.
@arcencielc2065 Hahaha,
You are in a state of total denial.
Living in the communist regime's alternate reality.
The Chinese communist party CCP gave the Fascist Imperial Japanese Army the greatest Honor during their Inaugural National Day celebrations!
The Airplanes Flypast during the 1st October 1949 Red China aka People's Republic of China Nationa Day were led and all planes were flown by the officers of The Fascist Imperial Japanese Army.
The top Honor, The lead tank of the Armoured Vehicles and the Tanlks drive past was also led in and commandeered
by the officer from the Fascist Imperial Japanese Army.
CCTV's own documentary programme on the Celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of Victory and End of WW2.
中央电台的纪录片- 抗战胜利七十周年纪念日。
Time to wake up from your commie alternate reality.
The CCP must apologise to the Chinese people for the more than a hundred million Chinese lives lost during the CCP
Evil rule- The Land reform years aka The Greatest Massacre of the Chinese People. More than the Manchu- Tartars did during the invasion of Ming Dynasty.
The CCP were more brutal than the Barbarian Qings. 中共比满清的扬州十日,江阴三屠,广州,四川,福建,浙江大屠杀还要灭绝人性,有过之而无不及!
the Extrajudicial killings and executions of Chinese innocent Civilians - The Chinese Businessmen, Land Owners, Shopkeepers, Managers, well to do farmers and all others.
The Great leap Years aka the greatest man made famine of all time where the Chinese Communist Party starved to death between 25-80 million Chinese people directly and tens of millions more
died prematurely.
People were forced to turn to human cannibalism, parents exchanged their children to slaughter for food.
The most famous Chinese Communist Party 's Great Leap Years delicacy.
The Feast of Exchanged Sons.
Tens of millions of Chinese People were starved to deaths where millions of tons of Food were lock up in the communist regime controlled warehouses to boast to the west of the Communist Party's production powers. Millions of tons of food were donated by the CCP to East Germany, Albania and the Rest of the Soviet Bloc while the Chinese People are
feasting on their own Sons and fellow human beings.
The Chinese communist party's Chinese
Cultural revolution years took another 5-25 millions directly. With hundreds of millions more suffered the worst tragedies of their lives, they were driven to insanity, sickness and pre mature deaths.
Face reality.
The CCP has never apologised yet.
The world must see the CCP as what it actually is all about.
The CCP- the greatest evil the world has ever seen and will ever See!
Their death tolls are still counting!
The Genocides against the Ugyhurs!