Comments by "Zhongshan Sun" (@zhongshansun1439) on "Quad leaders warn against any attempt to "change the status quo by force"" video.

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  2.  @jer33.33  Hahahaha, Taiwan RoC was the founding member of UN. one of the Five original founding member of the Security Council. The Taiwan RoC's UN seat can always be returned to Taiwan RoC like when it was taken away. Also UN is a joke today as Russia a permanent UN Security Council member , breaches the UN Charter by invaded Ukraine, an independent nation, member of UN. Making a mockery out of the UN Charter of member nation's independence, sovereignty and Territorial integrity. And Communist China supported Russia. If Donbass and east Ukraine can declare independent and Russia recognised these nations, Dictators led China and other Axis countries support. So Can Hong Kong, Macao and Canton declare independence and thes West recognised them as the Republic of Canton. or Cantonese Republic. Xingjiang declares independence as the Republic of East Turkestan or Islamic Republic of Ugyhurs . Tibet also declares independence as the Buddhist Kingdom of Tibet. Jiang Su , Zhe Jiang and Shanghai declare independence as the Republic of Jiang Zhe Hu. 江浙沪共和国。 The 3 North Eastern provinces declare independence as Qing Dynasty or Republic of Manchuria or joins Japan as Manchuko. The West can recognised all as independent nations as Russia and Communist China have set the precedence for the process. Taiwan RoC has always been an independent nation. Taiwan has never been part of Communist controlled mainland. UN has been eroded by Putin's Russia and Xi's Imperial Fascist Chinese Soviet Republic aka CCPland aka PRC.
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