Comments by "Zhongshan Sun" (@zhongshansun1439) on "China quake death toll rises as rescuers search for hundreds still missing" video.
The Chinese Soviet Republic aka Communist Mainland PRC has more unemployed than decaying America.
The Rising Communist Mainland has 19.9% unemployed Youth rates. It is higher than any nations in the Declining West. Haha Rising my bum!
The Debt of the Rising East, Chinese Communist Party controlled mainland PRC was already at 335% of GDP in 2020. Second only to Eastern Japan.
It is also higher than all nations in the Declining West!
Most if not all of the Rising East CCP commieland's Developers are technically bankrupts! Cannot even service the interest on their Debts, repay loans, bonds and suppliers nor could they afford to finished their projects.
It resulted in Chinese people who bought homes unable to take possession of the units and have also boycotted payment for their mortgages en masse.
Suppliers to these Developers, Steel Mills and thousands of building materials factories and companies were broke.
Banks in China are insolvent. Technically almost all Banks in China are Bankrupted and are prop-up by the CCP Central Bank. Liabilities and bad loans/defaults are greater assets.
You have more people queuing up and having a run at their Banks in Rising China this year than all the Declining West had in the 2008 World Financial Crisis. Rising East my C##t!
A developing Communist China is developing at 0.4% GDP growth last quarter.
Last year, The Yellow Soviets Banana's GDP was US $12500/CAPITA.
The US Federal poverty line was
US$ 12800.
According to The Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, 600 million Chinese people have less than RMB 1000 US$150/month of Monthly Median Income, cannot afford to Pay for rent in their 3rd and fourth tiered Cities, another 400 million have a median Monthly income of less than RMB 2000.
Only 2 Chinese Cities, Shanghai and Beijing have Monthly median income of more than RMB5000.
The Chinese communist party's Yellow Soviets Bananas, Sons and Daughters of Marxist-Leninist ideology PRC is still nothing but poor.
Wake up! You're living in the Yellow Soviets - Chinese Communist Party's alternate reality.
The Yellow Soviets CCP drove China into absolute poverty. Who doesn't alleviate poverty once they adopted any or some versions of American Capitalism known to you as market Economy or even mixed Economy.
Malaysia under UMNO's Corrupt Najib was doing better than Dictator Xi of the CCP.
Malaysia's GDP was almost $10k in 2016 - Najib was PM for most of 2016.
China was less than $9k in 2016.
@greatasia606 Yellow Soviet Bananas worshipping Pinko, You're so deeply inspired by the Sons and Daughters of Marxist-Leninist ideology, Yellow Soviet CCP'S Propangada that you have lost the basic ability to use your brain to think, analyse and differentiate the facts from the fiction.
You and you family have all my sympathy.
Especially your Children, if you do have any. My Sincere thoughts are totally with
Let me make it your day, for your kids' sake.
The Bankrupted Communist China with a declining and aging demographics, record unemployment rate, record outflow of Capital since 2015, with only a 0.4% GDP growth last quarter, estimated at 2-3% for full year, without taking inflation into consideration is Rising.
The West, especially the US with a Gross
10% GDP growth last year are in an absolute state of decline.