Comments by "Zhongshan Sun" (@zhongshansun1439) on "Taiwan rebukes Qin Gang’s remark that island is part of China's territory" video.
@WanWanOfficialX You can claim whatever you want but it is not legitimate, have no basis and will not be successful.
Anyway, the facts of History is:
1.The Qing Dynasty ceeded all Soverignty and Territories to the Republic of China and Taiwan is not any part of it!
2. Taiwan does not belong to Qing Dynasty or Republic of China!
3. The Chinese communist party CCP was not even in existence, how to claim anything???
4. CCP formed the Soviet Union Communist International controlled and supported Chinese Soviet Republic 中华苏维埃共和国。Can claim from Qing Dynasry Soverignty and Territories of Taiwan which doesn't belong to Qing Dynasty at all????????!!!!!!!!
4. The formed the Sons and Daughters of Marxist-Leninist PRC. Still claimed from Qing Dynasty. Possible? Qing Dynasty never had Taiwan as it's Territories.!!!!!!!!!!!
5. The Traditional claims of the South China Sea is the 11 dash line. Communist China did not accept and totally rejected this claim as it ceeded 2 dash lines to Vietnam. Can still claim the rest???????? Still Traditional Claims????? No!!!!!!!
6. PRC is a Signatory to UNCLOS and ratified. 12 nautical miles of
Soverign Sea and 200 N. miles of Exclusive Economic Zone.
Still can claim Soverignty of seas thousand of miles away????
7. UNCLOS ruled thru PCA which is legal binded the Traditional claims is rubbish. So SCS still belong to Communist China????? No!!!!!
8. Mongolia is an inalienable and inseparable part of Both Qing Dynasty and China, Republic of China.
How come Communist China ceeded to Its ancestor patron nation 宗主国,the Soviet Union.
9. Large parts of Siberia and Mongolia, 3.6million Square kilometres have always been an inseparable and inalienable parts of both the Qing Dynasty and China as the Traditional claims, so
PRC, CCP ceeded again to its patron Nation USSR, so can still claim for Traditional claims??????
10. Qing Dynasty ceeded all Soverignty and Territories to Republic of China and Republic of China is still here, so can claim that Republic of China, Taiwan and all Territories and Traditional Claims ceeded by Qing Dynasty belongs to The Chinese Soviet Republic or PRC or CCP or You??????!!!!!!!!
@WanWanOfficialX Official Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Formosa.
The Japanese have affronted China by annexing our territory of Formosa, and the supplications of us, the People of Formosa, at the portals of the Throne have been made in vain. We now learn that the Japanese slaves are about to arrive.
If we suffer this, the land of our hearths and homes will become the land of savages and barbarians, but if we do not suffer it, our condition of comparative weakness will certainly not endure long. Frequent conferences have been held with the Foreign Powers, who all aver that the People of Formosa must establish their independence before the Powers will assist them.
Now, therefore, we, the People of Formosa, are irrevocably resolved to die before we will serve the enemy. And we have in Council determined to convert the whole island of Formosa into a Republican state, and that the administration of all our State affairs shall be organized and carried on by the deliberations and decisions of Officers publicly elected by us the People. But as in this new enterprise there is needed, as well for the resistance of Japanese aggression as for the organization of the new administration, a man to have chief control, in whom authority shall centre, and by whom the peace of our homesteads shall be assured—therefore, in view of the respect and admiration in which we have long held the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Tang Ching Sung, we have in Council determined to raise him to the position of President of the Republic.
An official seal has been cut, and on the second day of fifth moon, at the ssu hour [9 a.m. 25 May], it will be publicly presented with all respect by the notables and people of the whole of Formosa. At early dawn on that day, all of us, notables and people, farmers and merchants, artizans and tradesmen, must assemble at the Tuan Fang Meeting House, that we may in grave and solemn manner inaugurate this undertaking
Let there be neither delay nor mistake.
A Declaration of the whole of Formosa.
[Seal in red as follows] An announcement by the whole of
Credits to Wikipedia.