Comments by "红火树 RedFireTree" (@firetree2007) on "WION"
Since India does not have deep space network, so India's first mars work was conducted actually by NASA for communication, instruction, and navigation, India did not bother to mention, make it sounds India did it by itself, haha :)) so they just put a 14.3 iron box kg hit into mars, then claim it is a big success, China not only sent orbiter (to send photo back to earth needs it, India used US's) and lander to send rover walked the surface of the mars, China mars work got an international space organization award
Xi never had a presidential aircraft, when Xi travels , he just rented a passenger plane from Air China, unlike Modi with his $1.1 billion Dreamliner Boeing 777 named India Air One . Xi saved all the money for lift Chinese farmers from poverty line, while Modi does not care India with global huger index 107, with 5.7 million malnutrition kids and 200 million under absolute poverty line, in fact, UN set standard, the country with average income under $2200 per capital is poor, India is at $2085, even lower than Bangladesh,
Modi should sell his Air India one and take an ox cart to travel to save money for 5.7 million malnutrition kids in India
“On China’s peaceful rise: China in 30 years from a backward poor agriculture country becomes a behemoth strong powerful industrial country in every aspect today. Yet, in this process, no country has been invaded. Not a single shot fired, no violence. If you look at human history, every power, from athenian empire, to the roman empire, to the british empire, to america's manifest destiny, to the rise of modern Germany and modern Japan and ottoman empire, every single one of them, their rise was accompanied by tremandes bloodshed, colonization, wars, massacres and China’s rise up to date has been bigger and faster than them all but no war. “
Eric Li
to reduce the trade deficit, the way is to make things in India, but domestic Indian industry has no ability to compete in the world market, it was the same for China 40 years ago, what China did was total open up to let foreign companies to make things in China to sell to the world at the same time, learn to make things by China in China, in the process, larger part of profit (huge amount of money) was made for foreign companies, not for China, however, with the time, China learned how to make things that can compete in the world, market, India should do the same (even it is late), however, unlike China, India does not like to let foreign companies, although, on the on hand they want to let foreign company to make things for India, on the other hand, they do not want the foreign companies make huge amount of money for themselves, so they set up all kind rules and regulation, with huge taxes to them, especially cruel to Chinese companies in India, under this kind situation, not many foreign companies want to go to India, they rather to go to Vietnam, Ford Motor spent $2 billion just moved its production line out of India, same as GM, Musk refused to set up Tesla factory in India despite Indian government multiple time invitation. so the current situation will continue, India will not change under BJP/Modi
“Every nation gets a government it deserves", we deserve Xi, it is our fate, just as you deserve Modi, only we have at least 5-6 times higher income/with better material living (spiritual living cannot be judged, since you may feel extremely happy to live in slums without AC and play with your rats to have fun) in a much stronger and prosperous with the larges economy in ppp and the largest industry country in the world with even brighter future. we will keep going our own way, and do not care whatever others say about China. we judge things by reality, by data, by numbers, by the living standard of ordinary people, not by ideology which set up by westerns.
Unlike Modi tavel with a $1.1 billion Boeing 777 Indian air 1. Xi travel only with a rented air plane from Air China, Xi saved all the money for poor farmers, for himself was one among them as leader in a poor village, Xi loves ordinary with low income Chinese farmers, once he took the power the first priority of him was to lift 850 million low income farmers above poverty line, compare to Modi who only works for the interest of Ambanis and Andonis
let us compare to Modi
Xi, since he took the power, Xi lifted 850 million China farmers from poverty line, he worked hard for the Chinese ordinary low income farmer, literally, he is a leader for Chinese people.
China 2013 GDP $9.57 Trillion, 2022 GDP $19.91 Trillion, that is $10 trillion increase,
India 2013 GDP, $1.87 trillion, 2022, $3.1 trillion, for the same period, India GDP increased $1.23 trillion, China's increased part is 8.13 times of India, Difference in GDP in 2013 is 9.57/1.87 is 5.1 times, now the difference is 6.4 times, India still dreaming of catching up with China.
After Xi took the power, China just started to work on SCS, now with solid control of China's islands in there, in 1965, US violated 500 times China's space, under Xi, now US only sends warships to those islands, not realize, that already pushed China' s defense line 3000 km outside China's coast line.
Xi proposed BRI in 2013, now with the projects harvests results all over the world, so US trying to imitated it,
Xi cleaned up most of the corrupted government officials , and still work hard on fighting corruptions in China.
Xi lead the control of covid virus, he put people's life as the first priority over economy, with total covid death in China less than 5000, compare to India with 4.7 million covid death.
Xi is fully supported by PLA and Chinese people.
Xi is totally deserves the title of "People's Leader"