Comments by "红火树 RedFireTree" (@firetree2007) on "Indian Army | Phase 1 of de-escalation reviewed | Both sides committed to disengagement" video.
@WormholeJim CCP is using Marxism as guideline, the core of Marxism is "seek truth from facts", we see facts first, no matter what system, what ideology, if it cannot make the country strong and her people live in a better life, it is not a good one, after 70 year, we are very proud, we have chosen a correct path for China's development, we will keep going on this road to an even more glory for China and for Chinese people, one reason for us to believe this is using India as an example, since India's reality told us, never go to India's path, never using India's system,
@WormholeJim back to Tibet, Indians in history, never conquered but be conquered, Indians were inhabitants of India plain, not high mountain Plautus, Indians had no ability to occupy Tibet or Nepal. the current problem was caused by British, not by India, however, India's problem is trying to realize what British even could not achieve. Chinese government, from Qin government, to ROC government, to PRC government, none of them, recognized McMahon line. Nehru insisted on it and told China it was not negotiable, only option left was war. China is not trying to conquer but to get back what should be China's.
If you go to see a map of Qin, Ladakh is in China. Aksai chin is China's, not conquered from India.
Doklam has nothing to do with India, even India thinks it is a disputed area, that is between Bhutan and China, India had no right to send army into it.
Most Indians just do not understand SCS at all, do not understand what 9 dashed line means,
USA is just showing force only, USA has no territory claim in SCS.
@WormholeJim if you have a map of Min dynasty, you would see Tibet is already in China.
After 1911 Xinhai revolution overthrown Qin dynasty, the new republic (Republic of China) was based on the principle of 5 races under one harmonious union, that is Han, Manchus, Tibet, Mongolians and Hui (Muslims). all of them are Chinese, none of them are Indian.
Tibet is part of China, this is recognized by GOI. Christian priests could go anywhere does not make the country belong to it or they represent a political entity, only a religion one.
now for SCS, after WWII, in 1947 ROC claimed 9 dashed line in SCS, which means, China claimed the islands inside the dashed line, not the body of water, other countries all have freedom of navigation. at the time no objection for this claim. USA published map of the time with the 9 dashed line.
AT that time, all surrounding countries were colonies , no independent Vietnam, Philippines ..
this is history, and China never ever claimed the whole SCS as China's territory.
SCS is 3.5 million sq km, with over 200 island, do you know how many islands China has?? even with man made, total is 7. Vietnam occupied more than 20. how can these 7 island interrupt "freedom of navigation"?? for these 7 islands, only 1 with China's territorial water, why USA warship has to go near it for free navigation not go anywhere in this 3.5 million sq km??
China is no longer China in 1840 opium war any more, we fought USA already in Korea, in 3 months time, we pushed US army back from China border to 38 parallel line.
try in SCS, just fine.
China is the largest industrial country, with 40% of GDP in industry, with $14.1 trillion GDP, 40% is $5.6 Trillion, US with $21.1 Trillion GDP, 11% in industry,that is only $2.3 trillion. by PPP, China's GDP is $27.8, Trillion, US is $20.2 trillion
if USA wants to have a war, that is just fine. for nuclear war , whole world will be ended, for conventional war, US cannot win China over SCS, even they send all their AC groups there.