Comments by "红火树 RedFireTree" (@firetree2007) on "'God Modi': Man wipes PM's rain-soaked cutout in Karnataka; Video breaks internet | Watch" video.
he never fulfilled his promise on election, now he is drawing another big fancy pie in the air for Indians to enjoy the empty dreams, and as before, no need to wait for 25 yrs, now Indians already forgot what he promised 2.5 years ago.
Modi promised India’s GDP growth rate will be 9-10 per cent by 2022, however, in 2019, growth rate, 4.5%, 2020, growth rate , -7.3%, 2021, 8.1% average for 3 years, 1.77%
Modi promised :India will be free of malnutrition by 2022.", today, The India Express reported, "Over 35.5% kids stunted, govt releases target to curb malnutrition"
Just check his record on promises, job for youth? 1%, fulfilled? Double farmers pay? no, $5 trillion economy by now? none, make in India? none. more promises.
@VishalKumar-nv3pi Xi never had a presidential aircraft, when Xi travels , he just rented a passenger plane from Air China, unlike Modi with his $1.1 billion Dreamliner Boeing 777 named India Air One . Xi saved all the money for lift Chinese farmers from poverty line, while Modi does not care India with global huger index 107, with 5.7 million malnutrition kids and 200 million under absolute poverty line, in fact, UN set standard, the country with average income under $2200 per capital is poor, India is at $2085, even lower than Bangladesh,
Modi should sell his Air India one and take an ox cart to travel to save money for 5.7 million malnutrition kids in India
let us face the fact, India is a nation with low IQ in general (go check g.............), but of course this nation also has smart people, only very few, so in common sense and logic, if India let the real smart people to run, it should be better, however, no, India chose so called BS "democracy", which mean, the majority of not very intelligent people chose someone not so smart (such as current one) to run the country, so how can this country have any future?
Xi never had a presidential aircraft, when Xi travels , he just rented a passenger plane from Air China, unlike Modi with his $1.1 billion Dreamliner Boeing 777 named India Air One . Xi saved all the money for lift Chinese farmers from poverty line, while Modi does not care India with global huger index 107, with 5.7 million malnutrition kids and 200 million under absolute poverty line, in fact, UN set standard, the country with average income under $2200 per capital is poor, India is at $2085, even lower than Bangladesh,
Modi should sell his Air India one and take an ox cart to travel to save money for 5.7 million malnutrition kids in India