Comments by "Life\x27s Adventures" (@bigphillyed) on "Hong Kong Police Clash With Protesters in Mongkok" video.

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  2.  @normantang171   Norman Tang  first if all, being white or brown has nothing to do with what is going on in Hong Kong, but now that we know your a racist piece of shit. As far as the 5 demands: 1. Withdrawl if extradition bill, done and withdrawn. 2. Police brutality, is a mute topic as protestors violence far exceeds the treats to an officers safety. In america if you threaten to harm an police officer they can use deadly force to protect themselves. I have to be honest, I think the police have been very timid in dealing with protestors. Just as there are isolated very violent protestors there is also isolated incidents of police using excessive force. There is not one substantial case of rape or dead bodies in the sea that are directly related to Hong Kong over mental or police, not one. Everything coming from the violent protestors is all accusations and not one ounce of evidence or guilt has been found. 3, retraction of the term Rioter to protestor. The protestors have committed the act of rioting by the definition. No one can break the law, attack police, destroy public and private property and attack citizens and not be labeled a rioter. In fact these violent protestors are nothing more then common street criminals and should be seen as such. The second these protestors began to use violence they lose any possible title of who they are. 4. Amnesty for laws broken while protesting. Really? You do not get to break the law, destroy property, attack police, attack other citizens and then get amnesty simply because you protested for it. I believe over 2,500 people have been arrested and the demand for amnesty is for 750 of them. That is ridiculous, that is not they way life works. Thus just shows the immature and childish thought process of these teenagers protesting. In fact there is zero, organization or structure to these violent protests. Not one person has stood up to take a leadership role to demand any particular list. You do not get to break the law, throw a temper tantrum and then demand amnesty for their crimes. So far all these demands have been childish, immature and down right full of shit. The final demand is universal suffrage, let's be honest here, never has Hong Kong been a true democracy. Even under british rule, thengivernornwas never elected by the people, thenbritish government assigned governor position as they saw fit. Now, Hong Kong citizens get to vote for 50% of the seats, which is basically been the same since 1997 and not much different then the british system in the past. Let's be honest here, Honk Kong is sovereign PRC land and people and they should have some level of governance over their land and people. I think a communist socialist chinrse society giving HK citizens 50% voting power over the council is pretty fair, considering it is China. The alternative would be a completely assigned government as what the british provided. Economically speaking Hong Kong depends more on china then china depends on Hong Kong. So it only seems fair for the PRC to have some say on what politicians represent Hong Kong. Universal suffrage was never even written into then Sino-British declaration, so why would it change now? The bottom line China has and should have a say in who governors their sovereign territory. The idea a capitalist society must be a free society is childish and immature thought process. No where in any declaration does it state that Hong Kong must be a free and democratic state, nor should it be. China has retained control of HK for 200 years, sorry but that is the fact. So HK protestors again are protesting a demand that they have no entitlements to demand. Never has HK been a full democracy, not once in history even during british control. Demanding universal suffrage is an attempt at making Hong Kong a full democracy, which is not what the Sino-British agreement was about. In the end a bunch of pissed off teenagers are simply using violence against Hong Kong and it's people for the sake of democracy they never had before. Just call it what it is, a demand for independence from China. The entire world knows that will never happen, nor should it happen. Hong Kong has no possible way of ever declaring independence nor could they even attempt it. Hong Kong's economy, lack of resources, lack of defense, and lack of international support could never support independence from China. China has a valid sovereign claim to Hong Kong. None of this matters as in 2047 the PRC gets full control of Hong Kong no matter what the citizens want and demand. All these violent protests are doing is providing a clear and present threat to the national security of China and will eventually force the PRC to send in the PLA to gain control and restore law and order. These protestors have no reason to be protesting nor using violence and the world sees that.
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