Comments by "Life\x27s Adventures" (@bigphillyed) on "Hong Kong and Catalan Activists Unite Their Causes" video.

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  3.  @yopyop3241  first of all Hong Kong is not a democracy nor is it a republic. It is one nation two societies, one being communist the other being capitalist. No where does it say that Hong Kong is entitled to unalienable rights like americans have with the declaration and the bill of rights. You are still governed by a communist country. All these protesters are doing is trying to rebel against a government who has legitimate control over Hong Kong. You do not get to just wake up one day, and say I do not want to be part of China and then just protest. The idea you are targeting pro china businesses makes you no better the the PRC. These children with zero leadership are destroying any small chance HK has of remaining separate from China. You will only end up forcing the PRC to send in troops to regain control. Your violent protests are jeopardizing the PRC national security and as such they must respond. You will not like the outcome! And there is nothing the rest of the world can do about it, because you are being violent in nature. If you honestly think these protests will lead to some kind of independence you are naive. Hong Kong only has till 2046 after that the agreement for 1 nation 2 governments is over and the PRC can simply walk right in and do as they please. Me personally they should walk in now and take it, since the HK council cannot seem to maintain safety and security. HK will never get independence from China, so again why protest, none of that is going to change anything. All you are doing is loosing any international support you may have had.
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  5.  @yopyop3241  ok I love your guesstimate math. If 15% of participated in these violent protests that means over 1 million protestors marched everyday. That is not the case there was three protests that brought 1 million people and that was at the very beginning of the extradition law. Once the extradition law was taken off the books, they no longer had even half of that support. Now they simply use violent protest for NO LEGITIMATE reason except for the fact they do not want to be part of the PRC. Well news flash Hong Kong you really do not have a choice in the matter. If Hong Kong cannot put down the protests themselves this will violate the agreement and the PRC will then be allowed to send in troops and reclaim control. With the agreement nullified the PRC can then take total control of Hong Kong. Otherwise the PRC must wait until 2046 before they can take complete control of HK. But see these children, are so blind they cannot realize what they are doing is only hurting their chances of stopping the PRC control of HK. They need to focus and put their smartest people to work in creating a global economics network that would protect HK from the PRC taking control. They need to bring more global investment this bringing more international government support that at a later date would impose strong sanctions against the PRC to stop their movement into HK. Their is no way right now the international community can prevent the PRC from taking control. And if the HK government says they cannot secure the region with police that allows the PRC to send in support under the agreement. China is still obligated to protect its sovereign soil! HK can not win any kind of independence, the PRC would never allow it, and without 100% of the support of the HK people and the government it is impossible. But for some reason these kids think they can change the way the world works.
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  12.  @stepsvideos  My concern is not markets. MY issue is with citizens who rebel violently because they do not like their situation. Hong Kong is the perfect example of this, as they are the 9th top city to be living in job wise, pay wise, quality of life, etc., and here these children began protesting against a law that allowed the prosecution of a murder. But because Hong Kong citizens feared being sent to the mainland for breaking laws. They protested with violence to force the governments hand. So here we are the law was taken off the books and still they violently protest. For what? There is no rebellion leader, no organization for them to demand changes or to let the world know what they are protesting. China is a communist country, that is prospering and the majority of Chinese citizens are fine with the current government and what they have accomplished. Now you have these millennials using violence against Hong Kong and the PRC because what, they do not want to be part of China? Hong Kong has been part of China for hundreds of years, and was under British rule for 99 years under a lease agreement with china. So to say that Hong Kong does not want communism is a mute topic. China will never give up Hong Kong, and under the letter of the law Hong Kong is China. If more then half of the people of Hong Kong and half the people of china no longer wanted communism that is a different subject. What these protesters do not understand is they are asking for rights under the basic law theory in HK that already exist. They are simply protesting now just to protest and to try and drive international support for independence. The HK people want complete universal suffrage which by the letter of the laws of HK and the PRC they have. They just do not like the idea the PRC has some say in who is elected. None of this matters considering 27 years from now China takes full control of Hong Kong. There is no independence for HK, in fact the PRC may be forced to intercede sooner then 2047 if the HK council cannot regain control. The PRC could use these protests as a national security issue, if the protesters border being terrorist. As the PRC has an obligation and responsibility to maintain sovereignty and their national security. China's system of socialism and communism works for China and the people of China. Just because you fear communism, doesn't mean it is wrong. The people of Hong Kong are chinese citizens like it or not. And unless the HK protesters figure out a way to make Hong Kong an assets to china under a capitalist system, it will revert to full china control in 2047. These children and thugs need to see the bigger picture.
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