Comments by "Life\x27s Adventures" (@bigphillyed) on "Migrants Are Crossing The Border To Escape Danger At Home Despite Trump's Policies (HBO)" video.
No Dogma Mama bahahaha another jack ass liberal crying racism. Having lived in a border town for many years, I adore Latin culture and the people, just as most in the southern states. I have no issue with migration or a person trying to better their life. But apply for a Visa, come here, work, go to school, apply for citizenship, I encourage it. Do not up root your entire family, travel thousands of miles by bus and train with a toddler, a 8 year old, a pregnant wife, no money in your pocket only two try and walk across the desert in Arizona during the hottest months of the year. Their is a right way and a wrong way to come here, just follow the rules like everyone else. But dont come here seeking asylum because your own country cannot curb violence and crime in your country. Asylum is reserved for those who are persecuted by their own government for race, religion or political affiliation. Not because two gang bangers wanna have a shot out in the middle of the street. I adore when jack ass stupid stupid people like you automatically go into its racism and the white nazis not allowing brown people in...blah blah blah. Get over yourself.
sebastian guerrero gang and cartel violence is not a US problem, it is a Mexico problem, or which ever other sovereign nation these migrants are from. Russia has organized crime violence, so should we accept every Russian seeking asylum? London has a knife violence epidemic should we accept every person in London? Syria is in civil war should we take everyone of their refugees? There is bad shit everywhere in the world, that doesn't mean you just migrate to America cause life sucks. If your Mexican, the own it, and get your countrymen together and fix the problem, running from it doesn't solve anything. If your from Nicaragua, that's a different story right now, because the violence, killings, beatings are being perpetrated by the government. Those people are the only ones eleigable for asylum or TPS. All other migrants return to your country, or seek residenancy in another country in south or central America.
Domestos Boi how is it naive? You right about a better life, and if you find my other posts everywhere you will see u have said the same thing. I have no issues with immigration, no issues with migrants wanting a better life and a piece of the American dream. But there is a right way and a wrong way to handle it. Dragging your family thousands of miles through some sketchy places, with little to no food and water, no shelter, to only cross a border illegally is not the right way. Apply for a Visa, come here, get working papers, save up your money and apply for citizenship the leagal way like millions and millions before you. There is no reason, no one what's so ever to cross the border illegally. If you are turned down for asylum, TPS, or refugee resettlement then accept the ruling and return home. Do not say fucknit, and just cross the border illegally and then botch and cry when your family is separated because your going to jail.
Domestos Boi there is no excuse for illegal entry into any sovereign country. You do not start off a new life in a country you dream of living in by breaking the law before you step 10 feet into the country. Life isn't easy, I mean shit I grew up on government cheese, my single mother barely surviving pay check to pay check. That doesn't mean it's ok for me to go rob and steal. I understand they have the basic human desire to improve their life like we all do, but doing it illegally isn't the right way to be successful. And as far lethal force, if migrants rushed the border, like Syrians did to Greece and Italy then it's no longer immigration it's an invasion and we must protect our country and our sovereignty at ANY cost. Look at what and is still happening in Europe with Syrian and African refugees, Italy just left refugees today in the ocean with no where to go because the denied entry. We cannot let the ship sink because we have this liberal american ideology that was must save and protect the world. The world is over populated, food is becoming more and more scarce, water droughts in south Africa will be the norm soon, social justice is out of control, we have to start fiercely protecting this country and our resources.