Comments by "Life\x27s Adventures" (@bigphillyed) on "Why Border Patrol Is Rescuing Migrant Families on the Rio Grande | NYT News" video.
Do you understand how naive that is! Listen one country cannot be responsible for the worlds poor, starving and scared, there has to be a line. World leaders have seen this problem escalate since 2006, yet nothing is being done. America is the only country doing anything about it, they have given billions of dollars to those countries which most of these illegals come from, to help curb the issues. Yet, here they still are, with the majority having no legal reason or cause for asylum. There is only one way, and one way only to correct the immigration problem in the US. That is to give amnesty to those who can prove residence for more then 10 years, and deport everyone else. That way we can manage immigration, allowing more people in on an annual basis, we can also increase work visa's and other migratory applications. Nut none of that can be done until we are 100% sure that all undocumented persons in the US are documented, and a very strong border security system is in place to prevent any further crossings.
@MegumiHayashida domestic level street crime IS NOT a a cause for asylum, and you say most illegal aliens from central America are migrating to the US because they are scared, when we already know the majority of migrants are heading to the US for economic reasons, not because they are scared. The only people in central America entitled to asylum under the current law are Nicaraguan's. As I said, gang violence is a domestic crime problem, and the US should not be responsible for it. People from central American countries fleeing domestic street crime, could easily switch towns, or stop at the first country they came to when migrating. Explain why none of them are heading to Panama, Costa Rico, Mexico, Brazil, etc., why only the US?
@MegumiHayashida who said there was a solution? Why does there have to be a solution? Listen illegal migration is not the answer, it isnt good for anyone involved. But domestic street crime cannot be a reason for asylum, nor can economic improvement. We need to change our seasonal migration employment numbers for farmers, construction, etc. Where we get more migrant workers in the peak seasons they are needed, then migrants can apply for seasonal passes, make their money and return home to bring a better life to their family. This does two fold, economic support to the family, and a economic boom to their community, all while the US answers labor and trade job shortages in peak seasons. We must start limiting immigration from a lottery system to a merit based system, as our unmanned illegal alien problem now makes it harder for blue collar immigrants and Americans to find employment. The system is at its maximum potential and at the rate of illegal entry, we will see a complete failure of our entire immigration system by the end of the year. And then what? Then everyone suffers.