Comments by "0x777" (@0x777) on "No sign of casualties after Russian rocket strikes leave Kramatorsk college damaged" video.
@diakonhexxen6505 Who cares about money, it's the entertainment value I get out of this that keeps me going. At this point, it's almost comical what level of denial Russia is going to to pretend that everything's fine.
I keep wondering, and maybe you'll be the first one to answer this, but do you honestly believe what you write, are you trying hard to convince at least yourself or is that just an attempt to find someone stupid enough to swallow it and you don't really believe it yourself?
Because first of all, Ukraine isn't exactly running out of equipment, what they lack is the same that Russia lacks: Ammunition. And for the same reason, there's simply not enough being produced. They get a lot from the former East Bloc countries who in turn switched them out for new stuff, but sooner or later that stuff simply gets depleted. And even capturing half the Russian stuff isn't exactly going to be a suitable replacement because you rarely get them including ammo. You might have seen that if you hit Russian tanks that still contain ammo, they do a jack-in-the-box and aren't exactly usable anymore afterwards. Not even if you manage to get the smell of burned flesh out of the upholstery.