Comments by "Simon Harris" (@simonharris4873) on "COVID booster recommended after five months" video.

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  52.  @oldenshort1346  I looked at the first video you linked to. It didn't take long for the first misrepresentation of the truth to appear. "If this data is correct, and the vaccinated are spreading just as much as, or nearly as much as unvaccinated..." The data didn't say that. It clearly said "within the household". It made no claims what so ever to extra-household transmission. Why is that so important? Well, that's quite simple. There is no data to support the supposition that you can extrapolate extra-household transmission from household transmission. They're vastly different. Yet Dr Charlatan in your first video conveniently conflates them, as if they're interchangeable. Any conclusions he draws based on this conflation is dubious. He also claimed the household was "the place where you get the highest rates of spreading", which is quite misleading. It doesn't spread in the household. It stops spreading as soon as the household reaches local herd immunity. It actually "spreads" when someone leaves the household, goes out in public and mixes with a large number of people in different households. Looking at data for household spreading without considering extra-household spreading is disingenuous. If the vaccine makes someone contagious for a much shorter period of time, then they're far less likely to give it to a casual contact, but the likelihood of passing it to someone in their own household is still just as high. So the data he's using doesn't even refute the claims he says he's discrediting. That's why I don't bother to watch videos from conspiracy nutters. They ALWAYS contain misleading analysis of actual data, which only a fool would believe.
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  68.  @oldenshort1346  You continue to ignore the fact that you cannot measure community transmission using only household data. The video you use as evidence even goes into detail about how these 2 methods of transmission are different. So obviously, it makes zero sense to use one to measure the other. I've tried to discuss this point with you, but you persist in avoiding it, resorting instead to childish personal attacks on every occasion. And you have the gall to call me a child? Really, that's just projection. The fact remains, a shorter contagious period with mean lower community transmission, but not necessarily lower household transmission, so your Dr Charlatan has deliberately chosen a dataset which is incapable of detecting the change he's claims to be measuring, then claiming there is no change, all the while ignoring other datasets which do indeed highlight that change. At 12:06 he says "Vaccine ineffectiveness" when the card he's reading from says "Vaccine effectiveness". This is an old trick charlatans use to brainwash people. Notice how quickly he says it, classic brainwashing technique there. At 18:20 He claim, correctly, that natural immunity lasts longer. But he fails to mention the excessive cost. 1 in 50 people dies. about 1 in 8 require hospitalisation. At 20:49 He references the UK weekly surveillance report, but fails to mention the report claims the vaccine has prevented 261,500 hospitalisation. Not even attempting to paint a balanced picture here. At 23:33 He says he argues for "More data more data more data", this after using household transmission data, which is a much smaller dataset than community transmission data. He could have used community transmission data, but that wouldn't have give the results he was after. The really telling thing is in the video description: "Access to all of Chris’s content, live webinars twice a month, and much much more is available to our paying members". Need I say more?
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