Comments by "ALX Armed Liberation Xecutive" (@alxarmedliberationxecutive8363) on "French anti-terror operation" video.
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Well I know that Catholic and Protestant adhearents have been dropping off but it seems that's not the case, at least currently, with Islam.
Part of this may stem from people feeling they want more structured lives. Islam with it's five daily salats ( prayers) and dietary requirements etc may seem appealing ?
The fact of the matter is that whether it's religion,ghosts, reincarnation, astral projection, fairies, Big Foot, or so many other supernatural ideas 95% of people have some belief system.
They view the world through faith tinted glasses 👓
I've studied a lot of texts because it helps to understand the subjective view People have of the world .
I've read four Qur'an translations Hadith's Tafsir Shari'a fatwas Vedas Upanishads Mahabharata Tao te Ching Anamists Shintoism Buddah Confucius pantheists Annelects Old New Testaments Torah Talmud Book of Mormon etc etc etc etc etc.
I think the common link to all of them is they promise some type of life or consciousness after death in this world.
People have trouble coping with the idea of death being the end, period!
That's what's appealing with the supernatural and magical thinking of all kinds.
Me, I'm fine with just being worm food eventually.