Comments by "AWResistance" (@AlanWattResistance) on "Coronavirus: Spain’s death toll surpasses China’s - BBC News" video.
@Arfur Fuxxakes God instituted nature at the beginning, which follows it's own natural laws. A virus is the unintended consequence of space and time. Space and time is requisite for change; change necessary for free choice; free choice with progress and development. For free will to become possible, then so too comes the possibility of evil and suffering, and inevitable death. So if you want the ability to reject God, then you must also accept the possibility of suffering and death. That was the choice made by Adam and Eve. You can't have it both ways.
As for the death of babies: Babies are intended to grow into adulthood, hence why the vast majority do (praise God). And my belief is that innocent babies are automatically recieved into heaven, due to their innocence or lack of ability to sin.
As for your atheism leading to hell: Ask yourself: Why would God embrace someone who won't recognise His blessings, but then gets blamed for when these blessings are removed? When was the last time you thank God for living to see another day? You blame God for the unfortunate deaths of babies (not the fault of God), but you support abortion (the fault of man). Is that hypocrisy i see?
As for religion about controlling the 'weak-minded': I'll quote Thomas Kempis: "Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself?". You'll find some religious have the strongest minds.
As for religions being wealthy: That's a simple one. Many people throughout the centuries (especially those without children) have left their entire wealth and property to the church. Some did so because they wanted to help the Church help others, but some did so under the notion that it would gain them favour with God.
As for looking at the world we live in: As someone well acquainted with ancient history, the modern world is now largely a paradise in comparison.