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Channel 4 News
Comments by "M R" (@emm_arr) on "What is Brexit? Govt sets out detailed plan" video.
The easy way to fix this is to have a second referendum - the public will vote to remain in the EU. Problem fixed.
Since when have people who don't understand stuff known best? We've got some jokers here who fail to grasp that businesses that don't trade directly outside the UK will be affected. And if you can't get your head round that - use the sodding internet to find out.
As I said the other day, we're on course for a "Diddums Brexit" or none at all. This is what happens when unrealistic wants meet the real world. You should have listened a bit more to people who pointed out the flaws and issues with Brexit. Northern Ireland alone should have made you realise the leave campaign was "fanciful".
Not going to happen.
"he actually said on LBC that his company is setting up a fund in Ireland....not moving offices....." And that's actually because his clients actually want to keep their actual money in the actual EU - for now. So that's actually money leaving the actual UK actually. It you're going to "actually", you might actually be accurate, actually. Innit?
Nor can Patrck Doyle - but that's the issue - he can't see the consequences that he would need to see to make an informed comment or decision.
"they are behind major cities becoming minority British" There are no cities like that in the UK - and that's a verifiable fact.
Good choice -- you'll get the sack.
"MR - And yet I'm still allowed to comment. Must stick in the throat a bit." Not at all. You have every right to comment, but your opinions will be of low value unless you're prepared to increase the brainwork that goes into them. And that means learning and thinking better. There's no obligation.
"Who set you up as the arbiter of what comments are informed or not." Who set you up as someone able to reason? Nobody. And your reasoning isn't good.
I wonder how many £20 notes a unicorn can poo in an hour. It's good to ask the wrong question.
Survive? It's not likely to prosper. I've looked at Norway, and that's very much like May's Brexit. BAD EXAMPLE!
"lol is that what you still believe?" Funnily enough, the UK is a democracy. Keep laughing, but the joke is not on me.
It's called democracy. That's how.
"M R ...obviously your idea of study is looking at pictures in comics. Prat." Then why can I start sentences with capitals and you can't? Keep trying, and one day you'll be good enough to be a prat. Until then, you'll just be another inept catcaller.
ted, why don't you post real figures instead of inventing ones yourself?
One of the best comments here is this. "there dumb." That's a case of beyond help.
Yes, tracki. Seriously. I have no idea why you think you know best as you don't have a good track record on that.
One of is a muppet. It's not me.
jam1e1234567890, or you could just post unrealistic stuff on the internet because that's what you do!
"M R what about London, Leeds. both minority British." There are no cities like that in the UK - and that's a verifiable fact. So verify it or post lies. I have to ask why you choose lies.
"truth son" - that's a good name for a person posting lies repeatedly. Liar.
"M R what lies you, fool?" Your lies. You are either a fool or a liar. I suspect it's both. Liar.
It's interesting, but if you think about that comment, the EU is not to blame. Look: (1) "German competitors have already taken our businesses and manufacturing industries" - so that's not the EU. (2) "the French, Dutch and Spanish have taken our fishing" - so that's not the EU either. (3) "and cheap EU workers have taken our jobs" - so that's UK employers and not the EU. So, er, is it sensible to blame the EU? I'd say it's not.
"But the EU is Germany" No. There is a problem with the verb there. "they are in control with France as 2nd in command" No. That's not correct. "And all the events described above have happened since we joined the EU." So what? My gran died since then too. I don't think the EU killed her off.
Ask the IQ and educational attainment levels too.
If you voted for Brexit, you voted for this. It's a crock!
There are no "diktats". That's a fact. It's time to question who told you what here and whether they were honest.
There are no "diktats". That's a fact.
It receives very, very little of its money from the EU. That's a fact you can check easily.
"Yes just enough to show EU bias" You show anti-EU bias, as clearly this money does not "show bias". Very little of the CBI's money is from the EU.
Well done. A very small percentage. You're not British. Lots of pro-Brexit people aren't.
""Please deal in facts not outbursts" I am. It receives very, very little of its money from the EU. That's a fact you can check easily. "CBI is not independent" It is. You have invented a dependency. Please deal in facts and not outbursts. "and how it will have to cut back its organization because of a lack of EU cash" It receives very, very little of its money from the EU. That's a fact you can check easily. You're not British. Lots of pro-Brexit people aren't.
I am not a bully and you are not British! I had no idea you had such a thin skin.
That's unlikely as your claims of trolling and bullying have no merit.
It's rather funny that your posts here could be read as (1) something untrue, (2) mischaractersing someone who disagrees, then (3) making threats against this person by you inventing false claims about them. I've met people like you before.
"Shariah May" Another person gobbing off this dumbed-down thing. Express?
"We want Brexit" No. At best 52% of us do. Realistically, support is now much lower. We want? You want. It's a me-want thing.
NHS waiting lists now at a 10-year high. This Brexit dividend - i.e. you paying much more in tax - might fix that. Or we could stay in the EU and make the kings of offshoring pay more tax with ATAD. ATAD? Yeah. That's why the press barons and Rees-Mogg are so keen on leaving the EU.
So it's far more sensible to blame employers than it is to blame the EU. Or is it?
That doesn't sound like a comment from someone able to get professional accreditation like yours.
"Even though the British people have expressly voted to have complete control of our economy and our immigration policy and to not be under the ECJ." That's totally untrue. They expressly voted to leave the EU. That's all. There is no need to be dishonest.
If you had studied history your answer would be different.
"M R NO" You are wrong. My post is correct.
Drivel. If you cannot see that businesses that do not trade directly will be affected, you're too thick - frankly - to make a sensible comment.
It looks like the Article 50 notice can be withdrawn before then, so that's debatable.
Still no sign of that pink unicorn that shits £20 notes ... TRAITORS!
"it's the Remainers fault" No. It's your fault for voting for an unrealistic policy. Man up.
That's - frankly - seriously unintelligent stuff. You helped cause this. Man up and own your mess. It's your bed and you are lying in it.
Oddly enough, Brexit is still best for tax minimisation. It's all about BEPS and ATAD.
The key word is "represent". That doesn't mean do exactly what you personally want and it doesn't mean delivering something that is impossible as sold to the voters.
Oddly enough, Brexit is best for tax minimisation. It's all about BEPS and ATAD.
If I am mindless, why can I think better and write better than Brexiters? You call me an "Imbecile", yet I am clearly not. I "utilised [my] own capacity for clear and relatively objective thinking" - but you fell short of that in your post to me. You're unrealistic - and I've just slapped you with some real world ability to reason.
"Great retort!" Of course. You helped by making it so easy. "Like I said, you have no originality of thought" There's little original to say when pointing out crappy reasoning. "Just droning, droning, droning" You can spot poor thinkers easily because they post "lol" and miss out punctuation. It's interesting that such people rarely show "originality of thought". Do you think you're good at this?
"This is not a democracy." Funnily enough, the UK is a democracy.