Comments by "Sankalp" (@sankalp6872) on "Beijing believes India is not its equal u0026 why Nehru held a blinkered view of China : Vijay Gokhale" video.

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  3.  @farhadfaisal9410  Yes, but what to do about it? India had an opportunity to join RCEP, our political parties derailed it by saying that Milk from New Zealand will kill Indian dairy. Predictably BJP got cold feet and refused to join RCEP. Not a single soul among our "wise" Parliamentarians bothered to compare prices - In India the price of 1 ltr of milk is nearly Rs 60 and in NZ it is 80-120. Of course, things don't exactly work as per currency convertibility but headlines got created how millions of dairy farmers will suffer if so-called "cheap" NZ milk powder makes it way to India. Lesson from this 1)India has legalized INEFFICIENCY. There is a crab mentality among us. 2) Nobody wishes to take the first step or face the challenge. Nobody dared to say that we'll give NZ a run for its money. We will deliver milk at much cheaper rates. 3) It is simply NOT POSSIBLE in INDIA. It is even unwise to blame Modi or MMS or frankly anyone after the 1990s. India simply missed the development train way back in the 70s and 80s. I have advanced degrees in Finance and yet I too do not deny the fears of milk farmers. As it is margins in India are low (while one can make an argument that powdered milk made milk may not find acceptance among Indian consumers). But it is the same case as the protests against Farm laws. Everyone fears EFFICIENCY because there are people who have monetized inefficiency. End result = Indian consumer is the one cheated. Can't even blame the large population because China has shown that population is no barrier. Perhaps, if the population engaged in Agriculture is moved into other sectors, India may have some hope.
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