Comments by "Sankalp" (@sankalp6872) on "Modi govt-Opposition faceoff continues with 12 top leaders demanding Centra Vista work be halted" video.

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  4.  @slashybluesy  Productive Infra? People in India always think of life in Germany and New Zealand. Of course, it is better. They have the best healthcare and very little poverty if at all any but why? They have a tax-to-GDP ratio of 35% (In India it is 10.5%). They have resources and Industrial corridors. India on the other hand have an unstable policy and Industrialization is frowned upon. POSCO signed an MoU in 2005 to start a steel plant in India, till today they haven't got their land. The MoU also expired. From where development will come? You can easily develop hinterlands of UP and Bihar if you can set up rail corridors and connect them to ports of Kolkata and Surat but do we have the political will to do that? NOPE. No party has that willingness neither Congress nor BJP nor regional parties because all are concerned about losing votes. THAT IS THE STATE OF PRODUCTIVE INFRA FOR YOU. IT IS A NON-STARTER. NO Country can progress with such a lax attitude towards development. I can understand that NE, Kerala, Goa, parts of Karnataka, Odisha, MP and Maharashtra are ecologically sensitive regions but what about the rest of India? Also, being ecological sensitive is no excuse for lack of progress. Why couldn't Kerala become an IT or Educational or Financial hub? Ditto for other ecologically sensitive states. You will accuse me of shifting the Goalpost but this is the state of affairs in India. I don't care if CENTRAL VISTA is vanity or vermin. It is still work, unlike your so-called PRODUCTIVE INFRA that gets CAUGHT UP AND BURIED UNDER RED TAPES. India needs to embrace Keynesian economics.
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