Comments by "John Goldsworthy" (@johngoldsworthy7635) on "This is the reason some people are drawn to “strongmen” leaders" video.
Beware of those who profess devotion to god. their feigned piety is often the camouflage for their vileness and evil.
If there is a god who watches everything, he has watched every child molestation in history without intervening.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him will believeth in anything. - Hitchens 3:16”
Jesus died for your sins, but he didn’t stay dead. So, what did he give up? His weekend. Jesus gave up his weekend for your sins.
“Remember, if you don't sin, then Jesus died for nothing”
Unless he was nailed to a boomerang, Jesus is not coming back!
You’re obviously not pro-life, you're pro-suffering!
Fun Fact: Jesus had an older brother named Daryl.
Fun fact: Nothing fails like prayer.
Two hands working are better than a thousand clasped in prayer.
Jumpin Jehosaphat 7:5. “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray loudly in the comment sections and on the forums that they may be seen by others … but when you pray, go to your own website or FB page set it to PRIVATE and quietly petition your father who is non-exsistent.”
The bible has many references to food. Nuts, Crackers, and Fruitcake are just some of the names for people who read it.
Christians and people of faith go to church.
Bible thumping, happy clapping, faux Christians and others who lack any real faith post in these comments.