Comments by "Sar Jim" (@sarjim4381) on "The Drydock - Episode 072" video.

  1. Ranger was always considered kind of developmental carrier, a step between Langley and the Yorktowns. US wargames of the 30's showed flush deck carriers presented few advantages compared to the operational efficiency of having an island, and stacks exhausting through the top of the island were far superior to the side mounted exhausts of Ranger. She could have been a better carrier if the stacks could have been changed when the island was added but, this still being in the depths of the Great Depression, the money wasn't available for that drastic of a redesign. Nothing could be done to improve her low (for a fleet carrier) top speed, and the flight deck and hangers all required strengthening to cope with the demise of the biplane. For the rest of the war, other than a few relatively low intensity periods of combat, Ranger worked out what was to become an increasingly important carrier task - transportation of and flying off fighters to reinforce AAF aircraft and crews in Africa and Europe. After a disastrous start to this task that caused the loss of ten aircraft on her first mission, she was able to fly off more AAF P-40s from the deck to supply badly needed replacements in North Africa. As far as I know, these are the only instances of P-40's flying off from a carrier. She settled down to her transport task until 1944 when she returned to the East Coast to operate as a training carrier. Given the flood of new carriers and pilots coming online, this was probably her most important role. Her role as a training carrier continued until October, 1946 when, being well and truly worn out, she was struck off the naval register and sold for scrap in January, 1947.
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  3.  @kemarisite  The USN used Cordite N flashless propellant during WWII for cruiser and battleship main guns. The US didn't manufacture flashless propellant at the time because it required huge amounts of electricity to make, and the power plants on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls was the only place in North America with the required power while still being reasonably close to shipping ports and ammunition factories. The Bureau of Ordinance considered it dangerous because it was brittle and contained unstable nitroglycerin, the cause of many RN magazine explosions. Because it deteriorated and became even more unstable in the presence of heat or moisture, the first uses of shipboard refrigeration plants was for magazines. They had to be inspected at least once per watch for any temperature or humidity variations outside regulations. If conditions got too far out of spec, the propellant case had to be dumped overboard, something that could cost a ship's captain a promotion, so magazine inspections were quite rigorous. For night fighting use, we had nothing better than Cordite N, so we imported about 250,000 tons a year from 1943 until late 1944. The BuOrd developed their own smokeless charge, Alabanite, which contained no nitroglycerin and produced even less flash than Cordite N. The only downside was shells using Albanite were about 10% heavier than those using Cordite N. The USN was willing to accept this tradeoff for a more stable and less flammable propellant. Albanite started being used in 1945, but it didn't really get into mass production until the very end of the war. So, the short answer is, even though we didn't make Cordite N, we imported large quantities of it until it could be replaced by Albanite.
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