Comments by "KITTY" (@kitty2527) on "Ghost houses - time to tax the owners of uninhabited homes? đź‘» | TVNZ Breakfast" video.

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  3. It not the same, unoccupied house can be a hazard when neglected over time and it also devalues the surrounding houses, The main function of a house is to provide a roof over one's head and for those who can afford a 2nd or 3rd home and not rent out nor look after it will create a false image that there are a shortage of houses when there is not. This can lead to govt releasing more lands than unneccsary and fuel this FOMO (FEAR OF LOSING OUT) attitude that ppl need to hoard up on properties. This can directly impact housing loans, interest rates, insurance and the GDP of country when it is out of control. Insurance premium will increase when the neighbouring houses is near or next to a ghost house cos decay, rodents and fire hazard are important factors for the underwriter to consider when providing home insurance to owners, most insurance companies do not offer insurance to an empty house as well, Theft and having homeless ppl wandering in and occupying the house including drug addicts or crimminals offence to take place (such as sexual assault) are also a safety concern for everybody living in the area. Housing create neighbour which in turn also forms a vibrant community, in Canada, alot of Mainland Chinese bought heaps of properties, drive up property prices, propety taxes causing economic hardships to retirees and just let it emptied and neglected for a long time. Overtime, this neighbourhood became a ghost town and the community spirit was destroyed. Hence, socially, economically, morally, politically and safety concerns, owners who bought houses, let it empty, not checking on it or allowing an agent to care for it should be taxed heavily cos they are doing alot of damage to the social fabric of a country by hoarding on houses and letting it rot at the expense of the community. Trust me, you will not want to have a ghost house next to you or across the street, it really a fire hazard and all rodents and homeless ppl going in, is going to make it worse cos the whole place smell of urine and human waste. Remember, surrounding area weigh 60% and the internal house is only 40% cos no point the interior of your house is beautiful but the surrounding neighbourhood sucks with rolls of empty houses falling apart and yucky neighbours.
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  8. Unoccupied house can be a hazard when neglected over time and it also devalues the surrounding houses, The main function of a house is to provide a roof over one's head and for those who can afford a 2nd or 3rd home and not rent out nor look after it will create a false image that there are a shortage of houses when there is not. This can lead to govt releasing more lands than unneccsary and fuel this FOMO (FEAR OF LOSING OUT) attitude that ppl need to hoard up on properties. This can directly impact housing loans, interest rates, insurance and the GDP of country when it is out of control. Insurance premium will increase when the neighbouring houses is near or next to a ghost house cos decay, rodents and fire hazard are important factors for the underwriter to consider when providing home insurance to owners, most insurance companies do not offer insurance to an empty house as well, Theft and having homeless ppl wandering in and occupying the house including drug addicts or crimminals offence to take place (such as sexual assault) are also a safety concern for everybody living in the area. Housing create neighbour which in turn also forms a vibrant community, in Canada, alot of Mainland Chinese bought heaps of properties, drive up property prices, propety taxes causing economic hardships to retirees and just let it emptied and neglected for a long time. Overtime, this neighbourhood became a ghost town and the community spirit was destroyed. Hence, socially, economically, morally, politically and safety concerns, owners who bought houses, let it empty, not checking on it or allowing an agent to care for it should be taxed heavily cos they are doing alot of damage to the social fabric of a country by hoarding on houses and letting it rot at the expense of the community. Trust me, you will not want to have a ghost house next to you or across the street, it really a fire hazard and all rodents and homeless ppl going in, is going to make it worse cos the whole place smell of urine and human waste. Remember, surrounding area weigh 60% and the internal house is only 40% cos no point the interior of your house is beautiful but the surrounding neighbourhood sucks with rolls of empty houses falling apart and yucky neighbours.