Comments by "Echo" (@echolocationn) on "WATCH: Muslim And Arab-Americans Explain Why They Want Biden To LOSE In 2024 #TYT" video.

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  14.  @serhatilhan2025  You mean Diaper Don: Trump's brain is melting. 1. Campaign speech in Washington, DC on 9-16-23: "I beat Obama in 2016 and 2020." and "Biden started WW2." 2. Campaign speech in South Carolina on 9-24-23: "Jeb Bush caused multiple wars in the Middle East." and "Whales are going cr^zy and striking windmills." 3. Campaign speech during the 2nd Republican Primary debate on 9-27-23: "Electric boats electrify you." 4. Campaign speech in California on 9-30-23: "All the dry canals will be used to flood everything including damping the forest floors." 5. Campaign speech in Iowa on 10-8-23: "I have a better body than Biden. Hannibal Lecter loves me for my body.", "China and other authoritarian regimes weren't hostile to me because they called me 'sir'. They don't call him (Biden) 'sir'., and "The judge wasn't going to give me a jury trial, because he's against me! There was no box to check. (Yet, his lawyer, Haba checked the no jury trial box.)" 6. On a Truth Social video posted by Diaper Don on 10-15-23, he said, "Republicans eat their young. It's a bad thing, but it's true. Republicans eat their young." 7. On a campaign speech on 10-24-23, he said, "Viktor Orban is the leader of Turkey." and "FDR was a great speaker. He spoke so elegant... eloquent... both. He was a great speaker. He was up there and spoke about 'We were attacked <mumbles>'. Now, we have a guy that can't even string along two sentences together and they say, 'That was the greatest speech ever.'" 8. On a campaign speech in Las Vegas on 10-28-23, he said, "Colleges and universities will purge the anti-semitism and pro turtes, what, what you doing?" 9. On a Truth Social post on 11-1-23: "Here is your chance to take a stand against tyrants, that support save America to Make America Great Again.", "Other Republicans cheat on elections." Diaper Don is clearly short circuiting: and MAGAts are fleeing from tiny Drumpf speeches: In South Carolina rally on 2-10-24: In Charleston, South Carolina rally on 2-14-24: In Michigan rally on 2-17-24: Trump can't stop lying on 2-20-24: In Greensborough, NC rally on 3-1-24 slurring and gibbering his words:
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