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Old Bloke
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Old Bloke" (@oldbloke204) on "'You will own nothing and be happy': Michael Walsh" video.
So we've written a book that is trying to cash in on all of the bumpf that is going on in the world atm then? Got it. If you don't want to play that game then get out of debt, turn off all of the electronic noise and focus on building up your own situation or become more self sustaining wherever possible. All very simple really. The world is a big place and I would imagine that there are large parts of it that have never heard of all of this.
Strange cos I get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that I am one. Just picked a handful of the best tasting Strawberries you will find and am enjoying a glorious day on our own property. Life is good and I can bash holes in any wall I want as well.
@Voodoo4209 The point is that taking people making all sorts of dire threats seriously when they struggle to put a sentence together can be rather difficult. I get it when English isn't their first language but if it looks like they never made it out of primary school then how will they know all about the macro issues the world faces?
@HelloWorld-ns7gt So the fact that we have donated more to others less fortunate or rescued lots of critters that needed help means nothing? Likely done way more than you ever will dude. I don't laugh at anyone but I do snigger at those who keep trying to tell me how things are and are stuck in ridiculous mindsets tbh. Stop with the melodrama eh dude? Fact is that if you want to get ahead and be ready for what may or may not be heading our way you need to work at it and not whine on the internet day after day. I've tried to warn people or help them many times and most of them just look at me like I got beamed down from the mother ship. Must suck being them now. If folks are struggling now then they are going to be worse off in the near future methinks.
@positivepawpaw7564 I have seen all of the guff about it and how everyone is pissing their pants about it all but what's the point of that? I suspect that we are in for some rough times ahead, that's life, so isn't being ready for that a much better idea than whining on the internet the whole time? Tell us all how you're preparing for what you see coming? The reality, as it appears to me atm, is that we're actually moving further away from a lot of what they profess due to various geo political and economic issues around the world.
@allanedwards1036 Yeah I think I looked that up when you or someone else mentioned it previously. Seems that the internet and paranoia have a lot to answer for really.
@Design_no Many people have done way better than us so how is suggesting that the best thing you can do for yourself is to try and improve your lot in life "self-aggrandizing" exactly? I know that playing the victim card, making excuses or saying "it's not my fault" is a very popular pastime but it's hardly helpful for most. Anyway keep posting the same stuff if you like because whether you succeed or fail won't mean anything to me and the world won't care either. I've just watched a video by a guy who had to flee Russia, is now basically stateless and will likely do it very hard indeed as will his family. Him and others like him I do feel for.
Nope it wasn't him that coined the phrase originally.
@kellysouter4381 Yeah they were wonderful. Homegrown spuds, beans, so many beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn and other fruit will be along soon. I even have some Passionfruit coming along which I'm looking forward to. Cheers.
@HelloWorld-ns7gt Keep on carrying on dude. You've regularly called me everything under the sun and made all sorts of disparaging remarks and you expect me not to retaliate? Reality is what it is.
@robot336 When yours comes don't forget to turn off you caps lock and kiss your ring goodbye.
@HelloWorld-ns7gt So you're going all quiet now? Been pretty chirpy up until now telling me what I'm like. Maybe what I said was correct?
@Design_no On that we maybe can agree to some point but most are more worried about the football or their next root, drink, holiday or whatever. I tried to get people to stock up a bit when the virus was kicking off over seas and got laughed at. The fact is that if you hit people with all of this WEF boogie man crap most will just switch off completely whereas talking about potential events and outcomes could be helpful. I've helped a few people with financial stuff and it's changed their habits and made them think about it all. Really helped a few and others not in the slightest. Such is life.
@Voodoo4209 Neither, I just have way more common sense and idea of how all of this may play out into the future. It's all happened before and likely will again, unless someone pushes the wrong button and we all get turned to glass and our testicles glow in the dark.
@HelloWorld-ns7gt Or do you keep banging your head on the wall and expecting a different outcome to just giving yourself a headache doing it? Hmmmm. Very aware of potential upcoming events/issues and continuing to get ready for them. You?
@Voodoo4209 And yet you guys call me a "normie" amongst many other things but here I am. Many of the "normies" you attempt to belittle are likely working hard, making smart decisions, getting ahead and will have more resources to ride out whatever is coming than those that attempt to put them down on here. And may won't and could get smashed as well. Such is life.
@BUD8302 Yeah good call.
@Design_no I didn't use the word "clown" you did. You don't have to do what we did as there are many ways to do better than we have but getting bogged down in the tripe you see paraded on here day after day ain't one of them. I would have said that me not being worried about all of this and just seeing it as the usual cyclical human condition is way more wise than those of you pissing your pants about all of this stuff. Do what this guy did, write a book about it and don't be the fool that buys it and gets no benefit out of it. Better still go an borrow some books on wealth creation so that you own something.
@Design_no I post a lot and yes I probably did say it on reflection. Again what's the point of continually carrying on about all this stuff and not doing anything to prevent it impacting your life? Does it feel better to be able to blame something/someone for all that happens to you? If someone tries to rob you do you blame it on the WEF or do you do something about it?
@Franklin_Payne Well you got it wrong so maybe there is? Must be fun copying an pasting others comments to try and make a point that's completely wrong. Well done you and keep up the good work.
@HelloWorld-ns7gt You really are a fool aren't you? Fact is that plenty of young people are doing just fine and plenty of older folks are struggling. Stop generalizing, it's useless and pointless. Why don't you stop making excuses for them and offer some useful advice although I think that you are making excuses for your own failures tbh. What I have, what I say and what I think will have absolutely no effect on the lives of others so why don't you stop laying down the victim card at every opportunity, it's just childish.
@Prognosis__ Not at all. I see what you're saying and I'm saying that I'm getting set up for what I see happening. What are you doing other than whining on the internet with all these other clowns?
Able Danger Oh look the only person on the planet who disagrees with me so all those different posters must be the same but with different accounts. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Franklin_Payne Nope wrong only one account. I hope you didn't give yourself a headache trying to work all that out.
@robot336 Hitchhiking?
@HelloWorld-ns7gt Nope very sane. It was a very simple question I asked you and you're wriggling. You obviously are sitting around waiting as you answered pretty damn quick when challenged.🤣🤣🤣 Seriously you can't make this stuff up. Life has been very good and prosperous over the last few decades but maybe it's about to change. Do you agree?
@HelloWorld-ns7gt I always reply to you if I get notified as you're such a joy to converse with you. You do get that it's impossible to get someone else's reply deleted don't you and if it isn't I don't have a clue how to do it. You really do live in fairy land don't you.
@HelloWorld-ns7gt Why all the victim talk? Why would I care about whether you go under a bus when you're so spiteful most of the time? Maybe your own choices and actions through life have meant that looking at the underside of a mass transport vehicle is your destiny? Anyway maybe I will block you and you can do the same and your blood pressure might settle a bit. Have a great day.
Able Danger This "sheep" has plenty of backups in case of hard times, more than most I would think. Stop making assumptions based on how you think people must be because of what they post, you will rarely be right especially considering how crusted on to your opinions you seem to be.
@Franklin_Payne That I was using multiple accounts and laughing at my own comment. If you've nothing of worth to add I will leave you too it and if you're just lonely I hope you find a friend. Have a great day.
@grannyannie2948 They don't really have "deeds" or paper titles as such these days where we are but I do have multiple copies of everything that I could get recently.
@grannyannie2948 And how long do you really think that people will put up with it all in the real world? Been watching Neil have you? Fwiw I think that not having to drive everywhere to buy stuff and for everything to be available very locally is a brilliant idea and they won't need to fine people if it all works as people usually do what's the easiest and cheapest for them. Compare that to our sterile suburbs where there is virtually nothing in walking distance or we all drive for kilometres to buy at the local Bunnings that has put everything else in the area out of business and some parts of the idea look excellent.
@grannyannie2948 No Neil McCoy Ward. A financial gloomer with a habit of veering off down the rabbit hole at times. People won't put up with it here and it won't work anyway except under very specific situations where all the facilities/services are in one small location. Remember how the "wellness camps" were going to be used for all sorts of nefarious purposes and anyone who disagreed or posted on Twitface would be locked up forever? Yeah nah I called bs on all of that as well.
@grannyannie2948 Not even sure what went on there then as a Certificate of Title is all I know of and even though hard copies are not a thing now I have a paper trail to show our "ownership" of the property. No different to keeping paper statements of our bank records in case of electronic drama, it's just common sense. We had our solicitor sort our documents and it was all very quick and simple so I suspect that the woman you speak of had complications for some reason, likely family crap or the like. Why would you worry about things that are so unlikely or left field and out of our control? You're more likely to get wiped out in a car crash or by cancer than any of those things. The fact is that you can catastrophize anything to the ridiculous if that's the way you think but it sure is a miserable way to live really.
@grannyannie2948 Ah so now your "group" of panic merchants and the overseas drama queens sorted it out did they? Damn you can twist anything to suit your mindset/narrative can't you? You talk about "manufactured fear" but it sounds like exactly what you're doing with most of your posts. Remember how I said that all of this stuff would fade away when/if the virus was less of a threat? Seems I was spot on the money, as usual, and that's why they weren't needed. Why anyone would be "scared" of a couple of weeks in decent accommodation or would travel to visit family unless absolutely necessary during a pandemic has me beaten tbh. It's still going strong as well so it will be interesting to see how it all works out.
@grannyannie2948 Yeah well you're well overthinking it all imo. Viruses don't care about all of our crap and spreading them is just daft. Sometimes crap happens and it has to be dealt with.
@grannyannie2948 I'm getting some notifications not others. You have outdone yourself now with absolute crap imo. Shedding, bloodline purity, etc etc. You really just sound like some sort of nuttsy cult type setup tbh. You said you were part of a "group" did you? I feel sorry for these kids if this is what you're like tbh. What a bunch of fools you all must be.
@grannyannie2948 The words you used in your post sounded the same as those used by a certain leader of a certain country in the 1930's.................... Yeah all cults want to appear benelovent. Some more screwed up kids on the way imo. How sad for them.
@grannyannie2948 Bloodlines, purity etc etc? Sorry but I'm not interested in your rubbish any more and I think that the children you and the others you side with will be seriously negatively effected by it all during their lifetimes. You have proved so many times that you're just caught up in all of this crap, can't seem to get past it and are going to infect others with it. I'm not seeing any of what you purport is so common and people are just getting on with their lives or having boosters or whatever if they judge they are worthwhile. Your little bunch of cultists, the fringe dwellers on here and social media aren't indicative of anything in the real world. Won't be engaging with you any more. See ya.
@robot336 Personally I wouldn't be using him as your reference really. Are you going to send him some coin as he may be needing it. Oh and your caps lock seems to be stuck on.
@allanedwards1036 Wasn't it a thought bubble to promote a conversation on the topic? I know people who have worked all their lives and own virtually nothing so not a new idea really.
@HelloWorld-ns7gt Again with the melodrama. If push comes to shove I will defend my family but I doubt it will be necessary as I will cover our asses as best I am able. Why don't you tell us what you're doing exactly? You say that you're likely older than I am, from memory, therefore you've had decades of the best, most prosperous times in human history to set yourself up well for hard times and to help others, as we have done. What are you doing other than getting caught up in various "theories" and posting on here about how hopeless I am? I'm all ears dude.