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Old Bloke
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Old Bloke" (@oldbloke204) on "Analysis: New South Wales latest COVID-19 figures" video.
Most spend most of their lives living as if nothing will ever change or doing the daily grind without ever considering why. How is this any different.
@CJ M True enough but then what are they actually fighting for in reality and what is freedom exactly? Most seem to to set certain parameters that make them feel better about life and that makes them "free' when in reality they aren't.
@CJ M Less of a sheep than a majority of the population bro, likely you included. I discovered that working out what reality is and making decisions based on it will likely mean you will do very well in life. You might want to try it.
@chrisaussie1629 Maybe your friends are wankers like you or maybe you are making up stories. I know plenty who have had it, including myself, without dramas and the numbers from all over the world tell us what the vaccines are doing in regards to the virus. Maybe you need to wake up.
No they aren't. Get off social media and think a bit.
@CJ M Nope must be another cranky old prick.
So no more in hospital/ICU then? One does follow the other as has been seen every time and in every place.
Edward Wallstrom Smarter than you will ever be and also less of a sheep than you in most ways that matter. Got anything original yet? Are you from the US?
People were saying that when the case numbers were much lower not so long back. Maybe worrying about the economy and not this thing is part of the reason we are now in this situation.
@gordonjohnson2497 No crap Sherlock. It is also part of our lives and those that have been elected to look after the economy, amongst other things, have decided to take the path that they have. You seem to have decided that the choice of one over the other wasn't the correct one. Oh well.
@gordonjohnson2497 A cheap price if it isn't you and you have no idea how much difference in suffering there would have been so maybe stop guessing eh? The age of those affected by this variant is spread over a much wider group including children and plenty are ending up with long term issues as well. Something like this was inevitable given the way we live and socialise so maybe we need to rethink how we live our lives after this. Most seem to live paycheck to paycheck and as soon as something changes they are screwed. This thing looks like it has a way to go yet so we will see how it turns out I suppose.
@gordonjohnson2497 Yeah but their choices affect others and I doubt many will have the courage of their convictions and turn down medical help when they are struggling to breathe. Personal choices usually don't affect as many others as an infectious virus does.
@gordonjohnson2497 What I see is people minimizing how serious this thing is because they think that the effects on their lives are more important. Most support what is being done to contain this thing which is why so many are getting vaccinated and doing as they are being asked. Nothing tyrannical about it in my books, it is a response to a threat with some unpleasant, and very serious for some, effects as a result. Like I said this was inevitable and predictable and our lifestyles and habits ensured that we would experience something like this at some point. Imo I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier and we should likely be thankful it isn't way worse because we wouldn't be having this discussion if it was. People would be hiding under their beds and crying because the gubbermint didn't do more to protect them.
@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 So the same as me then? Looks like it is going to be going for a while longer yet so you had better hope they hit their vax targets and we can open up like the UK or there will be even more grief. Gotta say we are more than happy with our state govts. response and hopefully it doesn't get here but who knows.
@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 So if "leaving people alone" is your point why are you on here the whole time taking the opposite view and not even making a whole lot of sense as to why? Don't have it and work with whatever restrictions/impost that may/may not have on your life and stop complaining. Can't have it both ways.
Edward Wallstrom So why do people make assumptions and keep using crap like "woke" to try and put people into categories so that they can try and understand life? Are you another muppet from the US that can't think for themselves and has to make everything about politics or whatever? I had it because I believe it is the right thing to do under the circumstances and I suspect a huge percentage of the population would trade my life and what we have. Maybe you aren't smart enough to see what is going on or you believe whatever you see on social media?
Edward Wallstrom Oh look a meme talker. Got anything more original and if not why not go down the boomer path? Shut up fool.
@donotcomply665 So the fact that so many are vaccinated has nothing to do with the fact that they are the ones who are catching it more often moron? What are the hospitalization/serious illness/death rates compared to when most were unvaccinated? Figures I saw from Mississippi yesterday showed that 98% of those getting infected were unvaccinated. How many in hospital here were fully vaccinated against those that weren't? You are obviously not smart enough to work with numbers so why do you quote them?
@donotcomply665 Not in the slightest. Most are getting it whilst you fringe dwellers keep carrying on and making predictions that never come true. Gotta wonder how you make decisions in the rest of your lives if you think that you know better than the medical professionals who are involved with all of this.
@donotcomply665 So what does that have to do with anything in reality? Planes used to crash way more regularly and cars were less safe than they are now. If you are pushing "disobedience" what are you even fighting against ffs? The right to make things worse or spread more drama filled inaccurate bs perhaps? Half those protesting are usually rebels without a clue, professional protestors or nutters who couldn't make a decent decision if their lives depended on it. Most are getting vaccinated and the overwhelming medical advice is that it is a the right thing to do which the numbers are supporting. What training/knowledge do you have to challenge that? Maybe social media and a desire to go against the grain perhaps? My making decisions based on what I see and understanding how the system works has put in a place most would like to be, how about you?
@gordonjohnson2497 So what the Govt. does is fine as long as you agree with it then? You are free to choose your own path via where you live, the economic position you put yourself in or whatever. I'm fairly sure that most politicians have an inkling of what is going on even if for no other reason than they want to get re elected. I get that people may be struggling, most of our families are in lockdown atm, but what would the outcomes have been, economically and otherwise, if they had let it loose? Events like this are inevitable and have happened many times before, most just seem to have forgotten or assumed in couldn't happen again.
@gordonjohnson2497 If you use this as a basis to move to that country then you really have no idea whatsoever. Good luck with your "freedumbs" when you can't afford healthcare, get paid peanuts, social problems, rising inflation, divisive bs politics, supply chain issues, weather events and having to strap on a weapon to go to the shops etc etc. You're in la la land if you think it is better there and they are only really just getting going on this version of the virus so who knows how it will turn out in the longer term. I have done very well in life by looking at what is going on around me and making decisions based on that. You should try it sometime.
@gordonjohnson2497 I have a friend in Texas and I watch very carefully what happens over there as we usually follow to a lesser or greater degree. I don't know of anyone who would rather be over there especially atm. My "ego" is simply what I have seen and experienced so if you choose to disbelieve or question my mindset then that is your prerogative. I was telling people that I thought this thing would be a big issue right from the start and that they should take steps to minimize its effects. They looked at me like I was unhinged. Good luck bitches. If things go to crap, which they well may, we may all cease to exist before 25 years are up. Nothing is certain.
@CJ M Yep been thinking the same thing myself which is why I basically think that we are in for and extremely rough time when it all comes home to roost. All this drama going on and everything we have/own has appreciated in value, even our motor vehicles which basically never happens. Make sure the basics are well and truly covered and keep your eyes open might very well be the smartest moves that anyone can make in the not too distant future imo. Most still panic buy when a lockdown is announced so they have no hope. Oh well I tried to warn people and they looked at me like I was weird.
@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 It's the same virus and would do the same thing here if given the chance. Not sure exactly what you want tbh. Do you know what would happen if it had got away here at the start of all of this? Would we have had better outcomes?
@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 How about in other countries then? Were you also complaining about the measures that made your first statement even possible? Maybe society needs to change if an event like this can cause so much drama? Lucky we weren't born in 1890 odd isn't it? 2 pandemics, 2 World Wars, The Great Depression etc etc and no internet to create drama. How did people cope.