Comments by "" (@jb76489) on "First Gulf War: RAF Pilot John Peters Recalls Being HELD PRISONER In Iraq" video.
@Harpdashian @Cameron Steven “If the Allies had been left to face the collapse of Russia without being sustained by the intervention of the United States, it seems certain that France could not have survived the year, and the war would have ended in a Peace by negotiation or, in other words, a German victory.” Winston Churchill THE WORLD CRISIS 1911-1918 volume II
“On October 3rd 1916, a British interdepartmental conference, noted the nation's utter dependence upon american munitions, steel, foodstuffs, oil, wheat, cotton and lubricants. Were the United States to engage in economic reprisals, Britain's war effort would practically stop. “Of the five million pounds sterling needed to prosecute the war” reported a government economist John Maynard Keynes later that week “Two million must come from North America. In few months time” claimed the Treasury official “the American public will be in a position to dictate to this country on matters that affect us more nearly than them”. Reginald Mckenna, chancellor of the exchequer, concurred with Keynes telling the Cabinet in late October, “by next June, or earlier the president of the American Republic will be in a position if he wishes to dictate his own terms to us”. At the end of December Mckenna told an american journalist that Wilson could “force the allies to their knees anytime in a moment”.” J. Doenecke Nothing Less Than War: A New History of America’s Entry into World War I