Comments by "" (@swarup.k.dasgupta537) on "Which countries are not invited to Queen Elizabeth II's funeral? | WION Originals" video.

  1. ▶️HOW DO THE MUSLIMS KNOW THAT ALLAH SENDING "AYATs(VERSES) OF QURAN?? ▶️A Creator is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent and Then Why the Creator Allah (If really) Not took the Human Form to Teach People? WHY People Will Believe That "Creator Sending Verses Via Gabriel?" Why People Accept Mohammed as a Seal of Prophet and  As a Messenger of Allah?! ▶️If the Allah be  "all powerful, all knowing etc" why he is confusing people  "by sending verses through jibrael and again through Mohammed ?!"  "And logically this is unbelievable !! ▶️ Confusing Mohammed, Confusing Allah Who is named By Mohammed and The Concept Of Islam - All Everything Of Islam Is Misleading ! ▶️(LOOK, Whenever Required Formless Creator Descend In "Human Form"). ▶️BHAGAVAD-GITA 9:11- When I descend in My personal form deluded persons are unable to recognize Me. They do not know the divinity of My personality, as the Supreme Lord of all beings. ▶️BhagavadGITA 4:6 -  Although I am unborn, the Lord of all living entities, and have an imperishable nature, yet I appear in this world by virtue of Yogmaya, My divine power. ▶️【Many people revolt at the idea of a God who possesses a form. They are more comfortable with a formless God, who is all-pervading, incorporeal, and subtle. God is definitely incorporeal and formless, but that does not mean that he cannot simultaneously have a form as well. Since God is all-powerful, he has the power to manifest in a form if he wishes. If someone stipulates that God cannot have a form, it means that person does not accept him as all-powerful. Thus to say, “God is formless,” is an incomplete statement. On the other hand, to say, “God manifests in a personal form,” is also only a partial truth. The all-powerful God has both aspects to his divine personality—the personal form and the formless aspect.】 ▶️Allah himself could come in human form and to confirm his identity and to ascertain people by his different miraculous and unworldly supernatural activities that "he is the Creator Allah and nothing to doubt by anyone. ▶️Is the Allah has any Physical and mental weakness that's why he is unable to come in human body? ▶️Islam is full of doubts and contradictions. It's a for the people of BLUNT  Intellect having no Judgement power and analytical skills. ▶️ It's Wise To Stay Away From Islam ASAP Not To Destroy Human Lives now and After Death.