Comments by "" (@swarup.k.dasgupta537) on "Tata motors to buy Ford's India plant | Business News | Latest World News | WION" video.
@Mog speaks
▶️WHY "CHRISTIAN" and "ISLAM" is the FIRST and SECOND in Population of the World??
▶️I have enough knowledge of the three Abrahamic Semitic beliefs not less than their scholars.
▶️About Sanatan Dharma I know nothing and nothing required to know more as I already established in detachment.
(Characteristics or Properties of a YUGA):
▶️There are 4 Yuga comes in rotation:
▶️At Present We're Under the Influence Of Kaliyug.
🔴▶️In Kaliyug surely, Evils will guide the Nobles.
▶️It's Kaliyuga, ruler of this Yuga is 'King Kali' (Not Kāli)who is a demon and "took birth from Adharma" (against Dharma, Impiety, Irreligion).
▶️'Kali'(Not Deity Kāli) is the demon god of "all evil source", personification of Adharma and "archenemy of the Dharma."
▶️"Dharma, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will 'all diminish' day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of Kali.
▶️"A person will be judged unholy if he does not have money. and
▶️Influence and hypocrisy will be accepted as virtue.
▶️"Satyayug is when the mind is totally centred in the self(Soul conscious)."
▶️"Tretayug is when the mind is identified with thoughts (Mind conscious)."
▶️"Dwaparyug is when the mind associated with the body(body conscious)"
▶️"and Kaliyuga is when the individual mind only attached with Samsār (materialistic world conscious)."
▶️People will love the following in Kaliyug: 1. Gold 2. Prostitution 3. Gambling 4. Drinking 5. Animal slaughter and other drastic evils".
▶️"In SatyaYuga(golden age) Human had 100% Qualities and average age was 1 lakh years."
▶️"In TretaYuga(silver age) qualities were 75% and average age was 10,000(ten thousands) years."
▶️"In DwaparYuga qualities were 50% and average age was 1000(one thousand years)."
▶️"In Kaliyug qualities of human remaining only 25% at the beginning of KaliYug and average age is 100 years."
▶️●DUTIES ASSIGNED to King Kali (Not deity Kāli) are the Following: So, Intension of King KALI, the powerful demon are the Following:
▶️"King Kali is a great powerful Demon and he took the ruling on the world with a promise that He will spread out Transgression, sin, evil, trespass, crime, guilt, inequality, fault, offence, unrighteous act within human resources and societies."
▶️❗Be alert (Warning)! So can confirm and assure that only functions of Kali is to abrogate good qualities of Human beings (deity properties of humans) and to transform human beings with demonic qualities and demomiac possession! So doubtlessly we are in a most horrible and dangerous aggressive terrible period of time❗
▶️But. Kaliyug STARTED say BEFORE 5200 Years, so human qualities are further lesser at present !!
▶️▶️ SUPERIORITY of any religion will be judged by the number of its followers.
▶️And talkative and talkativeness with LIES will be the qualifications of religious PREACHERS and experts.
▶️Religious Preachers and Experts will spread their DEROGATORY IDEOLOGY to the innocent people.
▶️▶️Nobody will care those person who possess these following rarely available deity properties in human form except a very few rarest one⬇️:
▶️BhagavadGita 16.1 –16.3: these are the saintly virtues of those endowed with a divine nature—fearlessness, purity of mind, steadfastness in spiritual knowledge, charity, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of the sacred books, austerity, and straightforwardness; non-violence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, peacefulness, restraint from fault-finding, compassion toward all living beings, absence of covetousness, gentleness, modesty, and lack of fickleness; vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, bearing enmity toward none, and absence of vanity.
▶️"It's Kaliyug. "King Kali" Is The 'Ruler King'. King Kali is a DEMON God of "all evil source", 'personification of Adharma' and "archenemy of the Dharma."
▶️ And King Kali's duty is to spread out and extend Adharma (Impiety, Irreligion) in the name of Dharma!!
🔴【All explanations are according to Sanatan Dharma Hinduism which viewers may or may not accept according to their LAYERS of mind】
▶️The spiritual equipage of Islam and Christianity is similar, their spiritual contents, both in quality and quantum, are about the same. The central piece of the two creeds is “one true God” of masculine gender who makes himself known to his believers through an equally single, favoured individual. The whole prophetic spirituality, whether found in the Bible or in the Quran, is mediumistic in essence.
▶️➡️"ISLAM" Has Been Working As the "RIGHT HAND" Of "King Kali" to Destroy all human properties, Moralities and Characters Of Human Beings.
▶️➡️"CHRISTIANITY" Is the 'LEFT HAND' of "Ruler King Kali" for the similar Destructions of Human Characteristics from the human beings!!
▶️➡️ Islam and Christianity is the two sides of a coin.
▶️We are at present under the rigidly control of Demons of evil sources as these demon forces in the world have too much financial power!