Comments by "" (@swarup.k.dasgupta537) on "Gravitas: Tracking the Ukraine Conflict" video.

  1. Glad to hear that You're a devotee of God. But– In Kaliyug surely, Evils will guide the nobles. This is the age of 'Demons'!  Kaliyug started before 5200 years! It's Kaliyuga, ruler of this Yuga is 'King Kali' who is a demon and took birth from Adharma (against Dharma, Impiety, Irreligion).  'Kali' is the demon god of all evil source, personification of Adharma and archenemy of the Dharma. Dharma, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will  'all diminish' day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of Kali. PRAYER: God watching our minds in every fractions of a second and HE listen our every request and praying for. Still He could do nothing. Prayer usually means beseeching God to satisfy one's selfish desires, begging Him for an end of misery, or family prosperity, victory, long life or future gain.  HE is infinite, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Entity, the Creator and Controller of this universe. HE is completely aware of our position and needs. He knows our SAMSKĀRAS and HE is letting them unfold as they should, He can't break His natural "Laws of Actions and Reactions"! Also God is not deaf that we have to Shout at HIM. So Prayer is an ignorant practices. To beg Him, to break His natural Laws of actions and it's reactions is Simply a waste of time. The duty of the wise is to love Him and to move forward along with His flow. Devotion is not praise, flattery! In Kaliyug a person will be judged unholy if he does not have money, and hypocrisy will be accepted as virtue.
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