Comments by "" (@swarup.k.dasgupta537) on "Gravitas US Edition: India seizes $2.7 billion of heroin from Afghanistan in Gujarat" video.

  1. Beginning Of New Era: Satan said to God: You have too much in human creation. Now I intended to overpower you. I will make upside down all of your esteemed established moralities and logics for human mankind.  Now I created a new religion for human beings. I will be familiar with a different name in my established religion. Those who will belief my religion I'll call them as believers. And I named my religion as Islam. All the believers of my created religion will not question about any one of the dogmas as they're instructed asking question, doubt is greatest Sin (Shirk)not permissible. All my believers will be my obedient servants, my slaves. I will be their faithful Master. Unbelievers of my faith will be named as "Enemies", "Worst Creatures","Satan" And Other Abusive Words. Surely I'll Order my believer followers to apply any drastic brutality so that all of the non-believers forced to accept my demomiac belief. Satan said to the Creator, in such way I'll fill up the heart of all non-believers with intense terror which will enable to decrease your followers to establish my superiority over you and your devotees. I ordered hardest punishment upto death for those who either will not join my established faith or leave my faith with questions. Even I divided my religion in different sect so that they'll kill each other claiming that they're right and actual believers, others are enemies! My established religion will be in a competition with your(Creator's) created religions. Inshallah I will dominate good number of human beings to establish my name over your(Creator's) name. And you(Creator) and your followers named as unbelievers will experience my power to overpower your ethos to establish my new era.
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  7. AL TAQIYA!! ⏹️Al Taqiya: What is?! Statements of Taliban Leaders are Al Taqiya!! In Islam, there is one word "Taqiya" also called "Al Taqiya". What is Al Taqiya? – to tell lies anything, any amount of lies to establish Islam is called Al Taqiya. ▶️You will not get a single Moulana, single Mufti, single Islamic scholar who is not telling continuous lies for the betterment of establishing Islamic ideology. Examples of Al Taqiya: Zakir Naik has so many thousands of videos in English and all of his videos have been translated in all different languages. Being a Hindu I surprised after watching the videos of Zakir Naik about Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma). All the facts Zakir Naik explained citing different Shlokas, different Verses from Hindu Philosophies, Hindu dharma texts, Hindu dharma Purana, all are 100% wrongly quoted and wrongly explained 【100% NOT 99%】. ▶️ Actually Sanatan Dharma is 180 degree opposite of Islam also Abrahamic Semitic beliefs. Moreover, Sanatan Dharma doesn't advice to his followers to believe anything which are not experienced, which are impractical. Sanatan Dharma teaches to experience Almighty God and oneness with God in a life, Not after deaths. Sanatan Dharma mainly have importance on activities performed throughout the life. So deeds performed are the main basics of Sanatan dharma.  According to Islam works of Zakir Naik are best to get heaven after his death not sinful and Zakir Naik is not a GREAT SINNER though according to Sanatan dharma Hinduism activities of Zakir Naik made him a GREATEST SINNER and has to experience the consequences of his all wrong deeds performed in this life. Zakir Naik followed the Islamic AL TAQIYA.