Comments by "Tiago" (@lapun47) on "Young and trans: How does access to gender-affirming care for minors differ across the EU?" video.
@tilttoolate3463 I don't think there is a leap or contradiction from my first post (against medical intervention) to the previous one (about societal acceptance). My fundamental starting point is that individuals should be treated as individuals and judged as individuals, not as some sort of representative of a group. So I can understand that some like my acquaintance can feel gender disphoria and find that painful. Such people deserve a place in society, and, to the extent that their behaviour warrents it, respect. But I think the road of hormone therapy and surgery is a mistaken one. This is for two reasons:
1) Like you, I have been following this issue, for over a decade in my case, but (I am assuming) unlike you am alarmed by the amount of medical and psychological problems among those who have physicially transitioned I have found in the literature and on social media. Along with this, as more and more parents are supporting their child's transition, I have been impressed by--perhaps alarmed by--the number of studies which show a large majority (something like 80%) who are gender-nonconforming as children 'grow out of it' in adolescence to become gay/lesbian.
2) If we are really to believe that gender is fluid as the currently preached gender theory holds, then there should be no need for anyone to change their body in order to live as they wish and four distinct categories (man, woman, trans-man, trans-woman) ought to be able to co-exist in social space.
I should add immediately, though, that one of the aspects of contemporary society I find most dangerous is that an instance on the individual's right to do what s/he pleases has been divorced from an insistance that the same individual accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions. This, I think, is well illustrated by some trans women's demands that everyone treat them as (what should we call them?) biologically-born woman in women's-only spaces like sports, locker rooms or prisons or by the demand that gay men must be willing to date trans-men. This is trying 'to have your cake and eat it too' or more concretely, to try to squeeze four truthful categories (man, woman, trnas-man, trans-woman) into two.