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Josephine Murray
Comments by "Josephine Murray" (@JSM-bb80u) on "The Coming Iranian Population Crisis" video.
Who said anti religion sentiments didn't happen on middle east. Ataturk in Turkey Habib Bourguiba in Tunisia and reza shah of iran were all laicistic societies.
@Omer1996E.C Reza Shah was toppled by British and was replaced by his son because he was against western meddling in his country. Habib Bourguiba fought against French for independence. Ataturk fought against British and French backed Greek army. And he stopped Turkey becoming a part of Greece. And you are saying they were all colonial leaders while reality all of them are freedom fighters.
@Omer1996E.C So it's colonial to be secular and progressive. Lol Both Ataturk and Bourguiba cared about Turkish and Tunisian women. Why did Ataturk fight against Greek if he was a colonial supporter? Why did Bourguiba fight against French if he was colonial supporter?
@Omer1996E.C Most of the rulers and scholars in 'islamic' golden age were secular most of the time they were deists or agnostic. Homosexuality was so common. Alcohol was common. Some of them openly criticized Islam. So it's not alien for middle east to be secular.
@Omer1996E.C So what do you think about Taliban beating women for not covering their faces? And banning women from studying and working. I would choose DRC over Afghanistan anyday.
@Omer1996E.C Stoning people for adultery/fornication. It's such a stupid law. Why should government spend money and time on such useless things.
@dehaman_4_144 Yep. Iraq was a lot more prosperous when it was under sadaam. Now they have mullah government which legalized child marriage. Is Sadaam a coloniser too?
@hishamalaker491 I don't think being religious would have helped them against mongol invasion lol.
@hishamalaker491 Scientific development in middle east didn't stop because of athiesm. It stopped because of Islam. Many religious scholars were against philosophy logic and sometimes maths. Specially ath'aris and asharis.
@hishamalaker491 "But the Islamic turn away from scholarship actually preceded the civilization’s geopolitical decline — it can be traced back to the rise of the anti-philosophical Ash’arism school among Sunni Muslims, who comprise the vast majority of the Muslim world."
@hishamalaker491 "The backlash against Mu’tazilism was tremendously successful: by 885, a half century after al-Mamun’s death, it even became a crime to copy books of philosophy. The beginning of the de-Hellenization of Arabic high culture was underway. By the twelfth or thirteenth century, the influence of Mu’tazilism was nearly completely marginalized"
12:08 you can't trust those statistics. Especially about suicides. It's a big tablo. People would do anything to hide their relative did it. I am living in a middle eastern country. And it's not umcommon bribe officials to report it as an accident instead.
@Omer1996E.C If Turkey remained religious it would be like Pakistan. Poor and fanatical. Also Islamic laws are very impractical. It always go very wrong someone tried to implement Sharia. If ends causing sectarianism and economic collapse.
@Oliver_Klozoff69 No he didn't even ban hijab. How only banned things like slavery and polygamy. He gave women the same inheritance rights. Gave women the right to divorce.
@Oliver_Klozoff69 Why should Islamic values be preserved? They are meant for 7th century Arabia not 21st century world. They are so backward. They are against the progress of society.
@Oliver_Klozoff69 Women had to prove that her husband is abusive or non religious to get a divorce. Men could just say 3 words and get a divorce. Men didn't even have to go to court.
@Oliver_Klozoff69 Women got only half the inheritance. Often times they didn't even got that. Polygamy is obviously bad for women's and children's mental health. Islamic polygamy only allowed men to have multiple wives. It's inherently unequal.
@Oliver_Klozoff69 proof only for women?
@Oliver_Klozoff69 So what? It's their life they should have the right to exit a relationship they don't like. They shouldn't be forced to stay in a relationship if they don't like it.