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Paul Joseph Watson
Comments by "" (@fbnflaviusbroadcastingnetw6786) on "PAUL JOSEPH WATSON GOT OWNED!" video.
daniel kelly she’s satanist man! She got her wealth selling witchcraft to children.. and if we were in our senses (that is if we actually had values morals a Biblical standard as rule of law [as it once was] conviction and loved God and Country and feared God too as they had back in the day) she’d have either been imprisoned or executed!!
KuroiHato69 they made their own.. they stole nothing. They later grew while the Africans Mediterraneans and Romans declined, and now became the new powers and conquerors. Now what’s happening is theft of our own nations by usurpers and supplanters.. conquistadors and foreign invaders.. that unfortunately are enabled by our own so-called “leaders” that play dangerously not knowing the vengeance and wrath they’ll receive from God Himself for their evil!!
KuroiHato69 Ha! No😋 Ghis is not accurate at all.. people hardly travelled long distances as they do now unless in caravans. There were more similar ethnicity based societies than there are now. The italic continent were divided by several diversities including Roman.. so you can see that history has been rewritten to fit their bs ideologies of what they want the world to look like and their forcing it that way will result in WW3 because there are separations of peoples (not pigmentations) for a reason.. safety!
KingEgyptian they even made Him black just because Ruth is in His (human) ancestry.. He is God and Man, God’s Only Begotten Son; and they are making Ethiopians “the real Jews” in Israel and making the Israelis there Kazar or foreigners.. so so stupid!
Palatinus88 03 he was a national hero! Stfu!
Eu 123 oh yeah?? I’ll tell ya that so was Winston Churchill
Ataakaari you’re a fool! He was Indonesian man! Facts are Facts man!
duncan perry social re-engineering ya mean
J W I get your sarcasm but if you were genuine I’d call you an ignorant blind indoctrinated fool.
J W more so.. you’d also be a traitor to your country and countrymen. But like I said.. I get your sarcasm.
Good one mate! 👍🏼👍🏼🍻🍻
girlstorm09 if it is true and it could be.. then it explains why Africa had the largest aids epidemic in the world.. sodomy. But that fact aside, no it is a woman.. butch but still a woman.
John Campbell oh yes it was.. sodomy and such..
Why these lefties gotta pander to and coddle blacks women sodomites and tickle their ears.. kissing their buttocks.. and enabling the evil that they’re doing, and the damage they’re doing because of it. This is bad enough, but then the brainwashed victimized butthurt libbies do the same to foreigners and foreign invaders (illegals conquistadors and Gog & Magog) that’s when the line should be drawn! If they can’t control themselves and see sense, then someone has to do it right?? Unfortunately it don’t work that way! But I’m afraid that they’re too Corrupted to call themselves Nationals seeing that they went over to the side of evil. Read scouring of the shire and you’ll see what I mean! Damage has been done; division made concrete; lawlessness rampant; history science and education destroyed; our past erased present diminished and future erroded; our inheritance and wealth devoured by foreign invaders and unworking lazy narcissistic corrupt entitled spoiled rotten deadbeat trash; our own political structure spoiled by George Soros and the accursed UN! Really there’s nothing to celebrate this holiday! There must be fear and outrage instead! But people are so numbed and dumbed and indifferent that I’m afraid that vast slavery and massacre is on the horizon!! Antichrist (islami mahdi.. the last time) is coming and the Revelation 13 Beast is forming.. again for the last time. This is that Last Generation and we will see the Revelation of Jesus Christ our Lord, so start looking up because He’s coming soon riding upon the Clouds of Heaven and He will judge the world with righteousness and it’s peoples with equity!!
paint 67 it’s called voodoo
Andres Emilio DiStefano Sin sells these days, most of the rich are wicked pandering to their evil and shoving it down childrens throats!
3d girls are not important, No it’s not: it’s basically a step by step into witchcraft. yeah, it’s in story form, but it’s witchcraft 101 taught to children! That’s Evil!