Comments by "Anon Nemo" (@anonnemo2504) on "The Blob Has Taken Back Control of Britain & Is Destroying the Tory Right" video.
The description, "Blob" also has connotations of laziness and general uselessness. On 18th November, 2022, HMCTS (His Majesty's Courts and Tribunal Service), part of the Justice Department, received my application for a grant of probate to execute my late father's will. Not until 24th April, 2023, did a civil servant read it (they admit there was a period of over 5 months between their "scanning it in" and a "physical examination" of the documents - their words) and it was only after my telephoning them that they actually read the paperwork I had sent them all that time ago. Over three telephone calls, I have had to wait an average of half an hour to talk to anyone. The department's target for processing probate applications is 8 to 16 weeks, yet six and a half months have now passed since my application and I still have no grant of probate, nor any indication of when I may have.
Laziness and unfitness for purpose have, of course, become endemic in the civil service over decades. It is unrealistic to expect the civil service to carry out even the most mundane of tasks on time and free of error. Shirking from home has, of course, exacerbated the problem.
Other connotations of the word, "Blob", related to political obstructionism, have arisen more recently and should, probably give us far greater cause for concern. The civil service is bloated and unfit for purpose and needs radical reform.