Comments by "GunFun ZS" (@GunFunZS) on "Yugo M76 Sniper in the 2-Gun Action Challenge" video.
The QC has improved, and there is no longer any ties to Robinson arms. I think they are about as nice an AK format weapon as you can get, but there are a few on par. I'd also be happy with some cheaper ones too. (Which often makes me the devil's advocate as a moderator on the vepr forum.)
BTW Currently the Vepr12 is selling in the nicest configuration for about $400 less than it should. $699 w/ folding stock (tacked open). I expect the market to correct soon on that. I am a Saiga 12 fan, but right now it would be silly to buy an S12 when a V12 with all the options ticked is within $200. If you are interested in a fully modern shotgun, I don't see a better choice, and I doubt that deal will last. It is exciting to see how many decent mag fed shotgun models are cropping up. (A handful of poor ones too.) I know you are a fan of innovation, and these developments are long overdue. There are presently 4-5 brands available for sale that are better than the USAS 12 and the silly AA12 for under $1100. Bozor BR99, Adkal 1919, (and fully metal firebird clone), Saiga 12 and variants, Vepr 12, Catamount Fury (not as good quality), and possible import of a Norinco related product called the Jianshe Annihilator. Soon, I won't have to use your videos to prove my S12 isn't an "illegal streetsweeper."