Comments by "" (@derekeliopoulos2670) on "“What did they do”: Palestinians based in Britain speak of families killed in Gaza" video.

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  2.  @derekwoodford9955  Oh, sorry I responded to the thing you deleted, so now I'll respond to the new stuff. I never claimed to be a superior human being, nor have I ever even used that kind of language. All I did was address your misuse of the term algorithm, which let's be honest, you only tried to bring that up for a reason, and it wasn't because you're familiar with it. As someone that actually works with and writes algorithms for a living, I guess I might've been a bit short with you about it, I'm sorry about that. Regarding the actual post, yeah what Hamas did was bad. That's actually pretty non-controvertial. I'm actually pretty surprised that you haven't said anything too silly regarding this conflict, as far as I've seen (compared to some previous world events). I won't make the mistake of assuming which "side" you're on, because being anti-Hamas doesn't have to denote anything, and I think it's OK to not be taking a hard stance about it. Personally I think the whole situation is messed up in more ways than just the situation itself, where people treat it as if opinions had to be binary. Israel has been showing far too much zeal (pun not intended) in their "self defense", while what hamas has done was obviously heinous, but it leaves so many innocent Palestinians to get caught in the crossfire. Way too many. So I guess of all my replies, this might've been less warranted, I'll agree with that. However, I never meant to "school" you about grammar, I just thought you might benefit from being more legible. The ellipsis is often misused, not only by being overextended, but also because it's placement can completely change the tone of what's being said. To look at how you use it, if I assumed you were using it intentionally I might read the tone as either confused or melancholic, because the placement implies an incomplete thought, which would either be from being so depressed you can't complete it or from being too confused or unable to think what comes next. I don't think you mean those, but I don't know what else you mean by it. If you want to be understood, it helps to be intentional with your delivery.