Comments by "James" (@James-kv6kb) on "New poll shows majority of people support Australia Day" video.

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  12.  @albyj5522  I have no problem if people want to identify as Aboriginal what I do have a problem with is them deliberately making it seem like all the real full blooded Aboriginal people have been killed off and that they should get all the compensation the jobs and all the attention in media . In the three western states there are laws saying that Australians can got not go anywhere near the Aboriginal communities because they're all run by corrupt Land councils that are only spending the money on themselves not the people in the bush and they don't want this corruption exposed, also most of these committees are made up of people with very little Aboriginal blood in them. You only have to look at the voice no full bloods were interviewed and yet this is supposed to be about the entire Aboriginal community and that is not fair . Surely you can understand people getting annoyed when we don't see any full bloods having a say ? They couldn't care less about Australia Day they want money from the land councils ,they want living conditions that are in keeping with this century they want houses they want freshwater they want all the things that modern humans have but they're not getting it because these corrupt white Aboriginal committees won't allow them to have anything and that's the reason why we don't ever hear from them because they will spill the beans on the biggest scam in Australian history . I understand there are no full bloods left on the eastern states and that is very sad but there's plenty of them where I live and they need to have a say not just the white ones