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Fox News
Comments by "BigKandRtv" (@BigKandRtv) on "Donald Trump speaks out in exclusive upcoming interview" video.
I thought he was going to do that at some point in the 4 years he was in control. Why didn't he?
And DeSantis said yesterday that the national Republican party has "A culture of losing". While it does seem that conservatives in general are not happy with losing the white house, the senate, multiple governorships, and the Fetterman seat, I doubt there are ANY conservatives who can face the fact that Ron is right.
MAGA Tears! MAGA Tears for EVERYONE!
All the way to cell block C?
Trump HATED Fox, and said all sorts of nasty things about them recently. I didn't hear Fox apologize, did you? Trump swallowed his pride and asked to be on Fox. Also see Don Jr. He's been crying like a baby that Fox won't let him on during his podcasts. If the truth hurts you, too bad.
Michael Popok pointed out today that document #19 of the indictment is governed by the NNSA, which has sole authority to declassify. That's the document on the US Nuclear weapons. NNSA is a semi-autonomous branch of the Department of Energy. NNSA was given the authority and responsibility to protect US Nuclear secrets, and control was purposefully SURRENDERED exclusively to the NNSA. People are about to find out that there are some documents that even a sitting President cannot declassify. It's going to cause the conservaturds to pop some blood vessels in their heads. Walt will not flip: See. You. El. TEE. 🤐
@mjt4651 Not a surprise. People who insist on being independent are typically people who think carefully about what they do.
The very fact that Trump agreed to go on Fox after the very PUBLIC feud with this network shows just how scared Trump is. If he thought he was on the right side of all these laws, he wouldn't be pleading to the public like this. He knows he has committed espionage, and quite possibly treason with those US nuclear weapons documents. See Doc #19 of the indictment.
@kathyramos6799 I don’t follow that logic.
@1031E Yes. Yes we are.
The most surprising thing is that Trump is desperate enough to go on Fox. I didn't hear Fox apologize to Trump, did you? Trump has swallowed his pride because he is SUNK on the espionage charge. There is 0% chance of escaping that one.
@yoyeo1900 <<<There he is. Any single negative word against the "Dear Leader" must be crushed. SEE. YOU. EL. TEE.
@rohns2952 These MAGA are about to learn what the NNSA is, aren't they? 😁🤣🤣🤣I. Am. LOVING THIS!!!
@tomflorea9363 Tom, just be aware that we are laughing at you. Remember it.
Well, Fox asking pointed questions of Trump? Interesting.
You should go ahead and unsubscribe. Fox has no choice. It's not common knowledge, but the nuclear weapons secrets are going to convict Trump of espionage. Not wishful thinking of this liberal, and remember I told you on 06-19-23. Eventually you should wonder how Liberals knew this before you. At the proper time I am willing to explain it to you. See you in 6 months?
Yes. Yes he did. He thinks he is special and above the law because he was "busy".
I disagree Luke. Check out the information dropped today by Michael Popok. Document #19 on the indictment is governed by the NNSA, a semi-independent branch of the Department of Energy. The NNSA has exclusive authority to both classify and declassify nuclear secrets. MAGA are about to learn that contrary to what their dishonest news sources told them, not even a sitting president has the authority to declassify secret documents related to things like nuclear weapons, reactors on Naval vessels, or the production of weapons grade material. MMMMMmmmmmm......MAGA TEARS!!!
Yeah, he has been bashing Fox for months. So has Don Jr. Now all of a sudden Trump swallows his pride and appears on Fox? He must be terrified of that espionage charge. Document #19 of the indictment is governed by the NNSA, which has sole authority to declassify (I know you conservaturds don't believe that) and Trump stole from the Government. The reason so many attorneys quit and walk away from Trump is that there is no defense even available for that one charge.
@Laura-fx9we Laura, it's about to be all over the (non-Republican controlled) news. Document #19 of the indictment (nuclear weapons top secret info) is under the exclusive control of NNSA. Contrary to what Republican controlled news outlets have been telling the uneducated, NOT EVEN A SITTING PRESIDENT can declassify documents pertaining to: Nuclear weapons capabilities, Naval vessel reactors, or the production of nuclear weapons grade materials. NO ONE but the NNSA. Sorry to break your heart. Prepare yourself. There is no mystery or debate. Trump and the dishonest Republican media are desperate, and they are trying this hail-mary. Like a cornered and wounded animal, they are very unpredictable and very dangerous.
Dor, you don't know yet why they (Fox) are doing this. They have no choice. Indictment document #19 is going to be a 100% espionage conviction for Trump. That document is on the US nuclear weapons capabilities. Which means it is under the exclusive control of the NNSA, a semi-autonomous division of the Department of Energy. Conservatives are going to learn in the next few months that any document that contains information on nuclear weapons capabilities, Naval vessel reactors, or the production of weapons grade materials can ONLY be declassified by the NNSA. Not even a sitting US President can declassify those. I know you don't believe that now, because I see the lies the Republican controlled media feeds you and the other gullibles. But in a court of law, Trump WILL BE convicted of at least espionage. 100.000%
@Fj.bANDj.b Lame. If that's the best you can do I don't think you should play with the big boys.
@kenbeebug5211 Judicial authority? Shawn said to FIRE them, not put them on trial. How could you fail to notice this discussion was about FIRING bad apples? Let me guess: You recognized my screen name from our past conversations, and you were so keen on insulting me you forgot how to read. Did I get it right? 🤣 Oh, and the executive branch does in fact have SIGNIFICANT authority to fire. Just in case you skipped YOUR civics classes.
Too busy kicking ash and running the country...
Per Michael Popok: Document #19 in the indictment is US Nuclear Weapons secrets. Only the NNSA has the ability to declassify those. The MAGA are going to learn soon that not even a sitting president can declassify documents declared secret by the semi-independent NNSA.
Espionage against the People of The United States does not matter to you? John Prine said it best: "Your flag decal won't get you into Heaven anymore!"
@azaleagirl6275 My opinion and your opinion won’t change reality: Trump took documents controlled by the NNSA. Contrary to the lying Republican media outlets, these are documents that cannot be declassified by a sitting or former US President. NO ONE but the NNSA can declassify nuclear secrets. I just cannot believe Trump was stupid enough to take some of those.
@EMendonca-mp2mf What has Trump done for the Jan 6 defendants?! He PARDONED- wait... He paid for the defense of- wait...Trump stopped the FBI - wait... Trump banned the DOJ from prosecut- wait... He hugged Ashli Babbitt's MOM!!!! See there!!! Trump is a great leader!!!!
@jorgenpedersen1348 LOL!
You guys will get no interference from me. This nut job won't even listen to his own immediate family members, nor his own lawyers. There is NOTHING you can say to influence him. You cannot reason with him. The more you try, the stronger his "conviction" is to do the stupid things. That's part of the reason conservatives loved him to begin with. Yous hated the Dems so bad, you thought electing someone who would do the opposite of what people asked him to do was a great idea. Now, yous are facing the reality you may not EVER have another Republican in the White House. Remember, yous asked for this. 🤣🤣🤣
Dream, who is it you think you are going to sway? Who do you think is on the fence about the convicted sexual abuser, and now espionage defendant? Do you think you are going to convince people who remember Trump asking if we could drop a nuclear bomb on a hurricane? I think you are going to have a difficult task.
You folks might want to consider that Trump agreeing to go on Fox after the very public feud they've had is a humiliation for Trump. If Trump thought he was on the right side of all the laws he is charged with breaking, he would laugh and demand the quickest trial possible. He would not be on TV begging the public for support. This appearance on Fox News of all places shows you he is scared. Why else would he agree to appear on the network he has recently accused of "feeding their viewers Democrat talking points" and "Fox News is politically correct". 😁
Trump has been BLASTING Fox here lately, as has Don Jr. I haven't heard Fox apologize, have you? Wonder why Trump swallowed his pride and went on Fox? Desperate?
You didn't "drop Fox". Within 7 minutes of this video being released you were commenting on it, and you mentioned something that cannot be known without watching the video. <<<<<THIS IS CONSERVATIVE REASONING AND INTEGRITY ON FULL DISPLAY. Both of which are nasty trash.
I also remember all the men-folk standing behind her where it was safe. Conservatives are filthy and disgusting. Just NASTY.