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Olcan Kanicok
Comments by "Olcan Kanicok" (@olcankanicok9125) on "HistoryLegends" channel.
they spent only 2% their gdp for the millitary
Your just mad that you won’t hear positive new about the end of the west and that Israel is winning
@Mortablunt since when and according to who they have this reputation? I dont say they are cowards, but they’re not very special
@walterbrunswick The US is a world power Russia is a regional power. The US has the money to have so many millitary bases around the world and the political strenght to do so. How many countries are willing to host Russian troops and how much money does Russia have for it?
fun fact there is no proof or hint that zelensky ever took cocaine
then you don’t understand the CCP they dont care how many of them our their own soldiers die. They have so many people so they can easily replace them atleast now
Russia does not have the ressources to help the cartels and many countries would dislike it since their still cartels after all
@SpeCifiC0507 yes Russia has surpassed the us in what terms? Economic? Political? Millitary? Cultural? In what aspects did Russia surpassed them? Answer in none and Russia only gets weaker
Probably NATO didn’t thought Russia would want to fight this long
considering Israel has better trained, equipet, more manpower, can treat wounded soldiers better, has armored vehicles for protection and things such as total airsuperiority it is not unrealistic to say that Israel has far less casualties not 50:1 as Israel reports, but also Israel is a democratic free state so you could independently report about casualties so its much harder to hide them. You could probably only hide soldiers that committed suicide etc
correct it would be smarter to just support the mexican government
Russia lost 74 fighter jets in Ukraine and Ukraine lost 65 fighter jets source Oryx
@johnners911 a salary of 2.400 is high in Russia, but it also depends on the region where you live. In Moscow average salary is 1.250$ so 2.400$ is not worth risking your life. In Chechnya its 360$ so its much more. But back to your point if I would have a income that much in Russia the first thing I would do is leave the country. You can say they have everything, but countries like Canada or Australia are just much better to live than Russia
@walterbrunswick Building millitary bases around the world is not imperialst. Russia does the same, but they are to weak to that on the same level as the US
@baigani0 come to kyiw first before talking about Berlin and join the Russian army instead of writing dumb comments in your broken house in St. Petersburg 😊
100k dead or wounded on both sides according to the US and EU
@toddforbes2079 makes allot of sense😂
the junta is very unpopular in myanmar so you are wrong
“massive Russian gains” shows that they only advnced 2km in a month. When Ukraine does the same you would-name the title “Ukraines FAILED offensive”, but then people say you aint a Vatnik
@bastikolaski8111 the other side just sympathizing with Stalin even worse
@Gstyle1 that is a pretty stupid reason. They run away and left their equipment behind they got completely shocked
@dgo4490 if it would be so easy then Russia would have defeated them allready
Vatnik tears in comments are great
@ogbonnasam9997 Russia has a gdp per capita as high as Bulgarias and a gdp as high as that of Italy. Texas has a higher gdp than Russia
@stemup thats why Russia closed his border to countries like Georgia and Kazakhstan for a time to stop people from fleeing. The Russian elite dosent want a new mobilisation it could have a even bigger outcome many people would again leave the country. Most of them were good educated people, but dont worry Russia is doomed And atleast Zelensky dosent invade other countries
@denis3208 Ursula said 100k dead or wounded which is exactly what a US general said weeks ago. And the 240.000 is also from the Us, but this includes Russian and civillians casualties as well. So pls dont lie casualties on both sides are around 100k dead or wounded
@Alex-bl7zn 100.000 Russians are dead or wounded according to us estimates and 100.000 Ukrainians are dead or wounded again according to US estimates
true the side of those who are in reality supported with weapons from North Korea, Russia and China do support the will of the people
@miha1999grobar they had 2.000 tanks of which most of them were old t64 tanks. They had a budget of like 5Billion $. They were not big, but countries like Turkey, S. Korea, Japan, UK, Israel and France etc were stronger and still are
drones work only good currently, because there are not enough counter measures as of now, but this will change. Since anti drone weapons should become number 1 priority for every army in the world
@simonl4657 you know that most of the debt of japan is owned by japan itself
Russian “breakthrough” 5KM omg Ukraine is defeated damn. Ukraine gets 5Km in the South omg massive defeat. History Legends becomes more and more like a Russian propagandist
@dgo4490 why should they? Russia cant harly afford to increase the man power over there in Africa when they are fighting currently in Ukraine. Second the Tuareg are a guerilla army they are hard to defeat
Geopolotics is not about fairness and never will even with the so called “ruled based world order” the stronger countries will allways have a advantage towards the weaker ones this will never change
@noir1923 its higher than the average russian army salary also
Well salaries have risen across the country so for companies to keep up. Those numbers are outdated as of now 74k average salary in 2023
@ogbonnasam9997 if Russia would focus on their citizens then they would not be poor
@ogbonnasam9997 no Russia is not a world power and China is also not a world power only the US is a world power. Russia is a poor country with the gdp as high as that of Italy. Russia is a good example of a regional power, because their power projection is only regional out of their region its small. While the US has global influence around the whole world. Russia simply does not have the money and political strenght to have so many millitary bases around the world, but each time when there is a opportunity they use that (Africa). China has global strenght around the world, but it is as of now only economical not millitarical and political, but China could become the next super power in the next years
@zallyzally2698 and yes I'm aware that Russia has as many tanks as the total west, but no one fears T72. I'm sorry, but the west has much more modern and better tanks than Russia. Also in Oryx we see that atleast 920 Russian tanks got destroyed while 600 got captured So Russia lost atleast 1.500 tanks allready
@baha3alshamari152 Russia is one of their biggest allies. The Junta gets their weapons from Russia, China and North Korea. Even though relations between the Junta and China got worse they support them still
@ГалинаФетисова-ю4м 94Billion dollars of aid including humanitarian aid and financial aid aswell and its estimated that Russia spent 82Billion $ in Ukraine, but youre right Nato also spent allot of money in Ukraine
@klausschwabshubris eastern european countries have a even larger decline lol
Russian copium again
@ЮрийКастро-м5в if they are the same people then dont invade and kill them lol
@fikarrusdiawan9562 of course he did. Mocking allways "Nafo bots", but Russian Z patriots never, because his viewers are 80% also Z. There was no massive breakthough. Ukraine captured much more land in the south, but history legend called it massive failure, but thats the price if you wanna make your Z viewers happy
@Gstyle1 you can talk the failure as good as you want, but Russia will never come back to Kharkiw
Russia won’t be able to defeat them
@SpeCifiC0507 your comment makes 0 sense. Youre just like the crying wojak with a smiling mask
@johnners911 I live in Germany and you can live with 2.400 a normal life. Okay if you have 4 childrens then no, but for yourself its definitly enough to live here. But you are definitly not rich
@nooonanoonung6237 anti Putin ≠ Russophobic