Comments by "Voryn Rosethorn" (@vorynrosethorn903) on "The Japan Reporter" channel.

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  5. It is important to note that Japan is not an outlier among developed countries with its birth rate, Europe has very similar one's. The thing that makes it distinct is that it does not engage in mass immigration and then pretend the problem doesn't exist. Let's be clear immigration is not a long term solution to demographic issues but much like bringing people into a ponzi scheme despite the fact that it's what western experts generally recommend to Japan, as birth rates are falling worldwide becoming a demographic black hole will only work so long and could be considered immoral for siphoning off skilled people from countries that desperately need them for any hope of internal improvements as well as having been the ones funding the education that western countries will take advantage of. On top of this a lot of the cover in a paper thin veneer, here in Britain living standards are declining rapidly but immigration (notably including illegal) are encouraged in order to pump the GDP figures and give the illusion that we aren't in a major recession, we also have the problem of cheap labour being used in place of technological advancement. This in not going into the many many other negatives. In short solutions at the ground level are vital and only real solutions will be able to fix such difficult issues. Personally I would recommend getting rid of government pensions as all they do is hide the fact that people need children to pay for them in old age. Likewise the modern dating system is not fit for purpose and indeed in the Japanese context seems to conflict badly with the culture and attitude of the population. Ideology which promotes and justifies family will also likely be necessary, in Japan this was traditionally fulfilled by Confucianism and the the West Christianity, people after all tend to act off what they believe in.
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  12. Let's be honest, the focus on love is a big part of the issue, it is heavily pushed by advertisers, probably because it sells tat without delivering but really a large part of it is the social conditions and norms which allow two people to make a relationship work as well as the kids. Relationships are something that must be built or maintained, but like everything our society seems to tell use we can buy, neglect or abandon them at will with no real consequences or responsibility, really it is to the point of saying we should and holding moral evil as a moral good. People need to have less options frankly, if you say some bullshit about falling out of love when you have children then frankly you need to grow up and stop being self-centred, you are not the centre of the relationship, your children are. There are unhealthy relationships but to often they are such by lack of effort and a sense of entitlement rather than anything more irreconcilable. As for getting into a relationship working out what you want is fine, if they don't want that then right there you have saved years of potentially dancing around it. To be fair relationships aren't about self-actualisation, that just comes about once you get into a rhythm, they are about children, all the rest is a later product largely out of very Christian concepts about consent and the enjoining of humans into one flesh (and yes that is most certainly a reference to the literal as well as the spiritual), unless you are counting political alliance, which is ancient by probably not terribly relevant. The main issue today is that the culture and legal framework is not accommodating of marriage, there is a rampant individualism, almost to the point of farce, and an overreliance on taking from the state without acknowledging that costs are a universal and people will be needed in the next generation to support you no matter what. It is best that the obligation is relational as frankly in current conditions it is a race between the finance departments and the younger generation to scrap pensions. People are happy to look after their own, but an old market principle the Soviets proved is being unearthed, farmers will let the cities starve if they don't get paid, and young people will prefer not to work than to have all of their money taken towards people too irresponsible to have children of their own.
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  35. The Japanese military desperately needs to expand, but it should have as much industry as possible within Japan. Total self-sufficiency is not possible due to a very weak resource base, but as much of the supply chain as possible must be local, as if there is a war America will not only have to produce for the world, but will be able to dictate prices. The British empire was bankrupted by business with the Americans, for whom the intention was very much to destroy the British economy and steal all their wealth. America is not a friend even of its own people, it benefits a small influential class, some of rich, but mostly the management class, who run the actual systems. The whole insulting Japanese self-preference is merely pressure to conform, Japan has become a model for western politically opposition, they say 'a slow economic decline due to low birthrates is better than destroying the nation, people and society with immigration ', this worries those who are benefited by low wages or are motivated by animus towards civilisation. The Japanese should not have US military bases, American influence is undoubtedly bad, while they remain Japan is stuck within a westernized political framework at a time of western decline and it's cultural, social and political degradation. Japan should think about another period of isolation, and possibly reinvigorating Confucianism as a way to strengthen social bonds and reform the system of social life which has proved infertile and depressing.
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