Comments by "Voryn Rosethorn" (@vorynrosethorn903) on "The Japan Reporter" channel.

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  12. Fantastic video as usual, here what I think of some of what was said. The economics of Japan is so much better than many western countries, sure it isn't modernised and the work environment is tough but young people can afford a house, that isn't a thing here. A lot of the men need to get their priorities straight, it is fine to suffer hardship if you can have children, were is the purpose in dying without having ever contributed and to be buried as the last in your line, your ancestors gave you your opportunities you shame them by putting your life to waste, they brought up large families with a much worse economic situation and suffered though tragedy, don't complain about such petty things. With what the women said a mother contributes many times what a working woman does, a working woman does the labour of one, a mother provides many workers for the future, she if you are high flying you could give the nation and world as many high flying people as you have children just by passing on your capability at home. There is a reason only recent societies have been foolish enough to put women into the workforce, they deflate wages now so that there no people to get paid tomorrow. Technology won't help, selecting sperm in IVF and the like leads to birth defects as does waiting to long to have children, it is only in contravention of nature that women don't have children young, it is what their body is designed around and thus complications are much more likely to occur the later things are left. These areas with better birth rates largely work by attracting people who want to have children, they are a statistical illusion. People have duty, it is not a right to steal from the future in order to ruin now, that is what debt is. People do need to have kids and if the government has to kick women out of work, ban porn or suppress the entertainment industry then so be it, the costs would be much less than doing nothing. I agree that Japan needs more positivity, it sounds like you do too, Japan is very insular many of the things you thing are bad are much worse in every other country, the fact that it is not ignored is a very good sign but perspective also needs to be understood, things not being prefect is an expectation treating it like a justification to not do things is only relinquishing the future to those who care less. As God commanded be fruitful and multiply. That should go before anything else as without it that anything else won't matter at all in just a little time.
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  14.  @AlwaysHope_  Of course I’m biased, I’m a westerner myself (British), and of the current generation (zoomer, though I’m on the older end of that and it shows). I don’t think its too far to say that modern western societies aren’t Christian (especially in western Europe, but that fact that values systems today are being spread through education and mass media today more than parents means that its a concern everywhere), but rather believe in a socially constructed reality and the same marxist hogwash which has been inspiring human tragedy for the last century.  I am a Christian myself and fundamentally believe that values and the philosophies based on Christianity form the best system for life, but I also live in a context where I am the only Christian my age I know and the church is counter to its mission (the church of England that is). There is a lot of internal literature by academics which is extremely forthright about where they come from and what they aim and at current there is little possibility they will fail to put in place what they wish for, my country has a conservative government, we also had 1 million immigrants last year, the economy is being driven off a cliff and talking about publicly accessible facts about what happened at Rotherham and is still happening elsewhere on a public account could get me a criminal record. Thus I feel it is imperative that east asian countries absolutely do not take of board what the west is giving at the moment, plus we have the same problems but worse in regard to the thing supposed solutions are being given for.
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  29. I would say that the bombing is a lot less complicated than what happened afterwards. Japan was planning to fight to the death under the military, this is not hyperbole, the military plan was to make Japan so costly to take that no one would bother, from the allied perspective they would likely lose millions of men to a conventional assault and from the Japanese every civilian would be expected to die for the national good, on top of this was the wider situation, Japan is not a rich country and by this period in the war supply lines had largely been cut, even as things were people were starting to starve. If anyone knows anything of the early months of occupation they will know that many did die of starvation even with the full efforts of the red cross and the newly arrived occupying troops. If Japan had not surrendered when it did starvation would have killed more than the fighting itself, a large portion of the population likely would have died. As such the quick ending of the war actually saved lives. The controversial point is what happened post war, the war trials were frankly rigged, innocent men were made scapegoat and guilty let off for political expectancy, especially those of the imperial house but also men who have inflicted grotesque human experiments in return for their research notes. The country was made a puppet and the constitution written to American interests, the old educational establishment was destroyed by banning the old teachers from working and in effect the subversive elements of Japanese society were given reign, this lead to decade's of educational strife as the communist aligned teaching union fought with the department of education and the parents organisations. The conduct of the occupation troops was in large part disgraceful (I'm talking about the mass r*pes) and very few were properly punished. American extended a hand in rebuilding Japan, but it was largely as a logistical hub and bulwark against enemies in the region, once Japan started doing well they changed tact and started treating Japan as an economic threat, as Japan is resource poor they had little recourse and the economic downturn this caused is ongoing. The cultural influence of America while it has been useful in implanting a more stable political system and finally ending some of the more barbaric native practices (such as the selling of children) has caused immense harm culturally, imports like the American dating system and various ideologies are immensely destructive to a nation built on extreme particularities largely alien to the systems with which they are forced to interact, these things are a disaster in their home country, they are cataclysmic in foreign ones. More current American influence is just plain bad, the influence of failed western ideological projects is being heavily lobbied for by western NGO's and diplomacy, but to be blunt western ideology is based in western assumptions and entirely destructive to native culture as it supplants it, in terms of policy, mass immigration is the single best means to put an end to the distinct existence of Japan and the Japanese not to mention the utter civil strife it has caused in the nation's already victimised be it. To listen to American at this point is to listen to the devil for the results at least are much the same.
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