Comments by "Marvin Fine" (@torontovoice1) on "Europe’s New Taxes on the Business Owners" video.
@madoverlordstudios you know it's not that relevant because he looks at different things than many other people. First of all he's very young so he's probably not had any serious medical problems. He says he walks a lot etc, so how important are medical facilities to him? Probably low on the list. Secondly, well he does talk about costs, I don't think the cost of living has any relevance to him in fact it has very little relevance to most people that are interested in taxes. If you're in over a million dollars a year and you pay taxes of 54% like you do in Canada, there's no country in the world where your cost of living is going to be $540,000. So it's highly irrelevant, even if you look at the cost of living in Switzerland for example. It's the taxes that eats you up. The next thing you look at is the weather. What's important to you? I left Canada because it was f**** cold, and healthcare was difficult to access. had neither of those existed, I probably wouldn't have left and I wouldn't be okay with paying the 54% tax. Remember that all these things have to be taken in context. Let's say you had a hardware store in Ohio, how is it help you to avoid taxes by moving to Malaysia? It doesn't! There's only a very small minut population that earns high income devoid of other countries. And very soon if not sooner than later. These people will be caught in the droppings of multinational companies. If you sell something into the first world country, there are ways in which they can start taxing you. The rules on transfer pricing are getting tighter and tighter all the time. So at the end of the day, it's the quality of life that you have, versus the amount of money that sticks to your jeans. All of the rest is just window dressing. You can't make any money in emerging markets to the extent that you can and develop markets. That's the big problem to China has. Their market is developed Nations, and sooner than later, countries are going to get together as they are now and level the playing field. Is it fair that you should be able to sell your goods and services into our country when you're enslaving your people? So at some point in time there's a moral conscience. And unfortunately Democrats are all about that. But I think as human beings, we also have to look at leveling playing field. So in developed countries you level the playing field with technology. Instead of hiring workers for $5 an hour instead of unionized brokers for $30 an hour, you employ robotics which are faster cheaper more accurate, don't go on strike, and work 24/7. And you'll see as time goes on more and more of this is going to take place. There's a huge shortage of truck drivers right now in North America. How long is it going to be before autonomous trucks are going to be taking to the roads? And then who needs truck drivers? And the truck can go 24/7. It doesn't need rest breaks. It just needs fuel stops. Lots to think about and digest. The answer is not simple. It all depends on your own particular criteria and what you're looking for. I've only scratched the surface