Comments by "LRRPFco52" (@LRRPFco52) on "Can Russia and China Detect the F-35 Stealth Aircraft?" video.

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  2. George Dang: Every one of your assertions is false so far about ECM, Gen 4.5, hot exhaust, F-35 flight characteristics, climb rate, range, payload, and performance. It's now being revealed that F-35 RCS is less than the F-22's due to generational advancements in shaping and RAM, as well as other VLO aspects not discussed. Canadian and Norwegian pilots who now fly the F-35 state that it has superior performance over 4th Gen aircraft in every metric you mentioned. Canadian pilot Billy Flynn, who has flown 80 aircraft including the F-16 VISTA thrust-vectored test jet, the Eurofighter, and CF-18, says when you overlay the F-35's EM diagram on all the 4th Gen birds as configured for combat, it has better climb, turn, acceleration, crusing speed, etc. The F-35 has already super-cruised for 150nm, since the production engine is way more powerful than the original F119 variants they used in the X-35. It has far superior combat radius to all the 4th Gen fighters even when they carry EFTs. Even the F-35B has better combat radius than the F-16C, and it carries the least amount of fuel of all 3 variants. The Chinese J-31 is a major program mistake by going with 2 engines, because they will take up space for fuel, and consume fuel faster, just like the short-legged MiG-29. They are using MiG-29 engines in it too, as China can't build a modern fighter engine to save their lives. China is far behind the US in RAM and VLO technology, even with the TDP in front of them that they stole from LM. The US has decades of experienced engineers and scientists who have worked on everything from the SR-71 to the F-35. China has nothing like this. Same for engines. US experience in jet engine technology within Pratt & Whitney and GE has forgotten more about fan blade, compression stage metallurgy and shaping, fuel flow, pumps, cooling, DEEC, FADEC, etc. than China will ever know.
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