Comments by "craxd1" (@craxd1) on "Dear Liberals: It's OK to Admit You Were Wrong and Got Conned by Biden and the Media" video.
Somehow, today's Ds think conservative thought is "right-wing" and comparable to Europe. They have no idea that Jeffersonian Republicanism and conservatism were what their party used to support before the Carpetbaggers were sent into the south, where Federalism was installed by force, which supported big business, big central banking, and a big brother central government. That created the Bourbon Democrats, which gave us Wilson, a Trotskyite progressive, and changed the D Party for good. It has only become worse since then. Essentially, they're being led around by their noses by Federalists, not real Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democrats.
The GOP was founded by Federalists as well, but by 1910, the party leaders tried to revert the party back to Jeffersonian belief when they started booting out the progressives, and became anti-war, which is the hallmark of the "Old Republicans." After WWII, the progressives infiltrated the party again, and the Old Right died on the vine. This gave us one war after another, which was to supposedly spread "liberal democracy." 45, a Jeffersonian and Jacksonian, wished to stop this very thing. He was also trying to bring back our offshored manufacturing.
In reality, 45 was as close to having a real Jeffersonian and Jacksonian anti-war conservative Old Republican in office, as we've had in many long years.
Worse was some from 43 and 44's lot traveling ahead of 45 trying to thwart his foreign policy. These were the same warmongers that many have been trying to rid Capitol Hill of since the Ike and Nixon administration. Over "mean tweets," "Orange Man," and "Drumpf," they foolishly put warmongers back into the WH, after 45 started bringing the American soldiers home.
Of course, international socialists (Trotskyites) are warmongers, as they use war and coups to spread state capitalism-based socialism, hidden as "spreading democracy," worldwide.
I wonder if these left-wing imbeciles know that JFK planned on bringing everyone home from Vietnam before it became worse? He was told that war would be supporting French Colonialism and that it was a lost cause. With his death, what happened? Escalated war? The same sort of warmongers from then is who fed them anti-Trump propaganda.
45, a Jacksonian, wanted to bring back offshored jobs, stop the wars, stop China, become energy independent, and defend the US against foreign actors. Somehow, though, they saw this as bad?