Comments by "craxd1" (@craxd1) on "Second Democratic Debate (Part One) Reaction" video.
In other words, they're promoting every globalist and racial wedge issue that they can use. The Democrats have been the party of division since the Jacobins became the Democrats in the US, with their infiltration of the Anti-Federalist/Republican Party. George Washington warned of their threat in a letter to the Sec. of War, under Adams, about the XYZ Affair in 1798: "that you could as soon scrub the blackamoor white, as to change the principles of a professed Democrat; and that he will leave nothing unattempted to overturn the Government of this Country". That led to the Civil War later on.
The Jacobins were Babeufians, the first Communists, as well as followers of the unorthodox David Williams and his Theophilanthropy. The Jacobins were behind the Conspiracy of Equals, as well as the murder of any who opposed them in France, especially the middle-class and the orthodox religious. They came to the colonies. Every time that they have reappeared, (Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot), it is the same thing; the genocide of hundreds of millions of people with a tyrannical rule, and all to enrich a handful of the elite class at the top.
Now, today's Jacobins promote their ideology mixed with that of Federalism. Their wish is a one-world socialist government.