Comments by "craxd1" (@craxd1) on "Miss Michigan Stripped of her Title for Wrongthink" video.

  1. This is why I do not follow any religion but my own. I believe in God, and that is it. Religion, both monotheism, and polytheism have always been a part of the ancient three estates where man was deified as a god on earth. Religion installed the monarch, whereby by the church/high priest selected the ruler from the noble class (the landed wealthy power elite). Religion was formed as a pyramid scam used to control the masses for the ruling elite that they installed. Worse, religion is the root of money and usury. Religion has its good points, as far as teaching virtue, but it has many bad points and vices. Protestantism tried to counteract this, but the churches with hierarchies are all corrupt. Ray Stevens had a song that described it to a tee: "Would Jesus Wear A Rolex." Both Christianity and Islam have their roots in Judaism, and if the public knew the truth about the roots of Judaism, they would riot. Ask yourself, was there any archeological proof that King Soloman and David existed, or that more than one temple existed? This has been debated in scholarly circles for many years. What does Soloman really define? Sol = Sun or Son. Soloman = Son of Man. The monarch is called Sol. The ancient astral triad of the moon god and goddess mating to produce the sun god. The hidden secret is that religion is based upon the procreation of man, where the woman/goddess is venerated. Here, the royal bloodline is selected by the church from the wealthy Baal (landlords). This is what the Protestant movement tried to overturn, but it failed. This ancient scam is still in play, spreading its seeds of hate and malcontent, all for political power and wealth.