Comments by "" (@tomrhodes1629) on "Will the GOP’s Self Proclaimed “Moses” Split the Party in 2024? w/ Peter Montgomery" video.
Indeed. Here's my post on this video:
Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: Mike Johnson, you're no Moses! You divide people; nothing else, and this is satanic. You might note that the Bible tells you that Elijah parted the Jordan River, just as Moses parted the Red Sea. And this is a hint: because, the same soul that came as Moses also came as Elijah. And as Jesus Christ indicates in the New Testament, that same soul also came as John the Baptist. And now that same soul has come as the "two witnesses" spoken in the Bible's Book of Revelation Chapter 11: Yours Truly. Yes, it's that time. Hear me now, and believe me later. But Thom and friends might be glad to hear that Jesus Christ and myself - and anyone else who draws close to GOD/Truth - are "bleeding heart liberals." Because, liberalism is born of love and cooperation, while conservatism is born of the opposite: fear and competition. And now you know why conservatives can be so satanic.
The only Church you can trust for sure is the one within yourself. "The Kingdom of GOD is within you." And as far as groups, the Church known as UNITY is the only one I can recommend without hesitation. You might be interested in this post that I made elsewhere on this video:
Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: Mike Johnson, you're no Moses! You divide people; nothing else, and this is satanic. You might note that the Bible tells you that Elijah parted the Jordan River, just as Moses parted the Red Sea. And this is a hint: because, the same soul that came as Moses also came as Elijah. And as Jesus Christ indicates in the New Testament, that same soul also came as John the Baptist. And now that same soul has come as the "two witnesses" spoken in the Bible's Book of Revelation Chapter 11: Yours Truly. Yes, it's that time. Hear me now, and believe me later. But Thom and friends might be glad to hear that Jesus Christ and myself - and anyone else who draws close to GOD/Truth - are "bleeding heart liberals." Because, liberalism is born of love and cooperation, while conservatism is born of the opposite: fear and competition. And now you know why conservatives can be so satanic.
Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: Mike Johnson, you're no Moses! You divide people; nothing else, and this is satanic. You might note that the Bible tells you that Elijah parted the Jordan River, just as Moses parted the Red Sea. And this is a hint: because, the same soul that came as Moses also came as Elijah. And as Jesus Christ indicates in the New Testament, that same soul also came as John the Baptist. And now that same soul has come as the "two witnesses" spoken in the Bible's Book of Revelation Chapter 11: Yours Truly. Yes, it's that time. Hear me now, and believe me later. But Thom and friends might be glad to hear that Jesus Christ and myself - and anyone else who draws close to GOD/Truth - are "bleeding heart liberals." Because, liberalism is born of love and cooperation, while conservatism is born of the opposite: fear and competition. And now you know why conservatives can be so satanic.