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Steve M
The Rational National
Comments by "Steve M" (@SteveM-gj2vy) on "Anti-Medicare-For-All Moron Loses California Seat" video.
@Tr4cK17 You clown . DEMS FLIPPED 40 DISTRICTS IN 2018. socialists flipped ZERO
@Lethgar_Smith Democratic socialism is a buzzword. Something that has 1 in 500 odds of happening. Since youre on this idiots chnnell, odds are you dont even live in America. Other odds include : You never had a girlfriend /You didnt attend college/ You have been a misfit since 5th grade
@KG9551 name the socialists who won this year
@Lethgar_Smith WHATS THE REPUTATION OF SOCIALISTS ? and what must they do about it ? 1. Jerks 2. Abusers 3. Bullies 4. Cult 5. Sheep 6. Brainwashed 7. Always losing elections 8. Always complaining 9. Ill informed 10. Not capable people. 11. Most people hate socialists due to their 5 years of internet terrorism They will never win until they shed their terrible image
@samf7192 Socialists are the greatest liars in history. Even worse than Hitler. REPUBLICANS WIN DUE TO 3RD PARTY IDIOTS...WHO ARE VOTING FOR NOTHING. Yes, lets all line up by the millions to vote for someone with no chance to win DID YOU KNOW THE #1 REASON FOR INCOME INEQUALITY IS DUMB PEOPLE?
@samf7192 You clown. M4A would cost $38,000 per year per US voter. You'll have a better chance selling a platform OF FREE CARS to everyone. You idiots have come close to losing 300 elections in a row, starting with the Singing Cowboy Rob Quist. NORMAL PEOPLE at this point would say "We're obviously doing something wrong." What are the socialists saying ? "Lets sabotage Biden. Then we can reverse this historic 4 year losing streak. It's not our bad policy, it's that people don't understand" Basically, this is mental illness. You'll never find a better example. Bernie Sanders attracted everyone with mental illnesses, personality disorders & behavioral disorders. They are socialists because they cant fit in to society. They are socialists because they have poor educations and can't succeed. They cant succeed because they can't work well with people.
@samf7192 You idiot. Divide 35 T by 135 M American voters. WHATS THE ANSWER YOU LOW LEVEL HIGH SCHOOL GRAD
@samf7192 Would Sam the Dummy buy a car with $1800 a month car payments to save $200 on gas?
How do we know that David doel isnt any sicker than Tara Reade, the sickest mo fo in the world?
Name a Bernie progressive who won in CA. Ask Dummy David if you need a lifeline
Keep listening to Dingbat David. Plus, youre a sociopath b/c that's not what anyone said
@cezarcatalin1406 You all sound like insane people. M4A FAILED in CA you freaking lunatics
@DSan-kl2yc exit polling doesn't say shit, you idiot. There are TEN ways to ask if "You want M4A" GUESS HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL AGREE TO PAY FOR IT? LESS than 5%
Name the socialists who won in 2020
show proof you #LyingSocialistIdiot
@brandonmiles8174 what other special elections were there? You clown...CENK SPEND MORE TO WIN or collected more than anyone AND PUT THE REST IN HIS POCKET? Wasnt this the 320th socialist who lost since 2016? You won 3. WORST RECORD IN POL HISTORY. Why you losing so many races, clown? Your platform isnt selling ANYWHERE other than kook channels on the internet PLUS YOU IDIOT. SHE WAS HIT WITH 2 MIL IN SPENDING AGAINST HER cenk spent over a million dollars
@brandonmiles8174 You clowns literally LOSE 99% of your elections. When are you going to make adjustments? Your platform is the worst failure in the last 100 years NEW COKE in the 1980's was more popular than Bernie Sanders platform, which is only popular on Twitter & You Tube, where criminals promote it because it makes them money Socialists are making con artists wealthy over something that didnt have a 1 in 500 chance of passing making the average leftist the most dumb morons outside of an Amazon Rain Forest tribe ---------------------------------------- this is only a partial list of people Sanders endorsed who lost elections Keith Ellison - for Tom Perez' job Kimberly Ellis lost Vincent Fort lost Heath Mello lost Tom Perriello lost Rob Quist lost James Thompson lost Zephyr Teachout lost Abdul El-Sayed lost Ben Jealous lost Stacey Abrams L Andrew Gillum L Randy Bryce L J.D. Scholten L Pete D'Alessandro L Brent Welder L Laura Moser L Paula Jean Swearengin L Tiffany Cabán L Cori Bush L US Senate Attempts by socialists former Platoon movie extra Shahid Buttar Sema Hernandez TX Zak Ringelstein ME Kerri Evelyn Harris DE Deedra Abboud AZ Alison Hartson CA Paula Jean Swearengin WV Shahid Buttar- extra from the movie Platoon Governor races attempted by socialists Ben Jealous MD Cynthia Nixon NY Abdul El-Sayed MI Constance N. Johnson OK Tom Wakely TX US House House attempts by socialists Mary Matiella AZ 2 Brianna Westbrook AZ 8TH Audrey Denney CA 1st Roza Calderon CA 4th Dotty Nygard CA 10th Bryan Caforio CA 25th Laura Oatman CA 48th Doug Applegate CA 49th Ammar Campa-Najjar CA 50th Stephany Rose Spaulding CO 5th Levi Tillemann CO 6th Chardo Richardson FL 7th Michael A. Hepburn FL 27th Lisa Ring GA 1st -- Kaniela Ing HI 1st Courtney Rowe IA 1st Pete D'Alessandro IA 3rd Carlos Ramirez-Rosa IL Marie Newman IL 3rd Sameena Mustafa IL 5th Anthony Clark IL 7th David Gill IL 13th Daniel Canon IN 9th Brent Welder KS 3rd James Thompson KS 4th Juana Matias MA 3rd Matt Morgan MI 1st Rob Davidson MI 2nd David Benac MI 6th Fayrouz Saad MI 11th Abdul El-Sayed MI gov Cori Bush MO 1st John Heenan MT US Congress Kara Eastman NE 2nd --Amy Vilela NV 4th Peter Jacob NJ 7th Antoinette Sedillo Lopez NM 1st Jeff Beals NY 19th Patrick Nelson NY 21st Ian Golden NY 23rd Jenny Marshall NC 5th John Russell OH 12th Greg Edwards PA 7th Jessica King PA 11th Jimmy Darnell Jones TX 2nd Lorie Burch TX 3rd Laura Moser TX 7th Vanessa Adia TX 12th Adrienne Bell TX 14th --Derrick Crowe TX 21st Mary Wilson TX 21st -- Rick Treviño TX 23rd Linsey Fagan TX 26th Ali Khorasani TX Justin Snider TX James Singer UT 3 Darlene McDonald UT 4th Darlene McDonald WA 3rd -- Sarah Smith WA 9th Randy Bryce WI 1st -- endorsed and funded by both JD & Our Revolution ---------------------------------------- The only big win in FIVE WHOLE YEARS: A multimillionaire ran the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez campaign. He flew in 10 Bernie staffers into NYC to live for 8-10 months and work on the campaign. Ocasio's was the largest US House campaign staff and operation in history. YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW HER NAME UNLESS SHE HAD THIS level of MASSIVE FIREPOWER including 50 leftist writers and promoters
You dumbass. M4a FAILED in CA . Hows the face of your party doing; Tara . Tawara Reade..the psychopath fabulist
@DSan-kl2yc These are professionals. If Bernie and his 60 TRILLION DOLLAR SOCIALISM was the best bet to beat Trump, HE WOULD HAVE MASSIVE SUPPORT. Only kooks support something that cant win
@DSan-kl2yc Are you watching Bernies antifa burning down America? Once Antifa is connected to Sanders idiots, you can hold the funeral for your movement
You screaming idiot. Medicre for All Cenk got 5%. Tell Dummy Doel he wont even see M4A in 40 years when he's in an alley with a bottle b/c he had zero credibility
@rodolfolinares8254 You idiot. Poll taken sev years ago showed 5% of Repubs WOULD PAY FOR IT via higher taxes. Stop being so Bernie Bro stupid ot you'll never improve to win 3% of your election attempts
Progressive means IT WILL NEVER PASS. name the progressive bill passed in the last ten years, low rent. You are Trump Chumps who read. The odds on M4A are at almost 400 to 1
if you lost 99% of your elections that might be a sign that you should be avioded lie the plague www progressivesaremostlikelymentallyill com
You mean something impossible. Name the last progressive bill passed into law
@Lethgar_Smith He wasnt a socialist you idiot. THE US WAS IN A DEPRESSION UNTIL WW 2. There WERE NO GOOD YEARS under FDR, you dumbass
@Lethgar_Smith Lethgar Smith (@LethgarSmith) | › lethgarsmith The latest Tweets from Lethgar Smith (@LethgarSmith). I enjoy being lubricated. MacDill AFB.
The biggest question is WHY DID SOCIALISTS DO SO POORLY ?
@pluubooruu Thats just your poor self image you see the world
Ian G PROGRESSIVE PLATFORMS HAVE A 300 NUMBER TEST OF FAILING . You people should be smarter than to listen to David Doel...a con man selling socialism like a preacher selling JESUS WILL MAKE YOU RICH. There is ZERO difference between the two slimeballs
@Tr4cK17 WOULD AN AMAZON RAIN FOREST TRIBE CHANGE TACTICS & platform AFTER LOSING 99% OF THEIR ELECTIONS? Would they be smart enough to adjust after hundreds of failures? WOULD THE ESKIMOS CHANGE AFTER LOSING 300 STRAIGHT ELECTIONS? Then does this make the socialist party the dumbest people on planet Earth? Are they the most primitive group on the planet ?? Its obvious the socialists are the most losing party in world history. This means people like Nina Full Ghetto Jacket Turner is one of the most failed leaders in the history of America. What is wrong with this cult & what do they have to do to make MASSIVE IMPROVEMENTS so they only lose 90% of their elections? Please post your answers at www TheMostFailedPartyInPoliticalHistory com
@Lethgar_Smith So list which year during FDR's presidency that was a 'good year' ...since USA was in a Depression in 1939-to early/ maybe mid 1940
@nercksrule I have seen ZERO wins from the socialist wing in 2020
@nygeriunprence Your platform is the worst failure in the last 50 years NEW COKE in the 1980's was more popular than Bernie Sanders platform, which is only popular on Twitter & You Tube, where criminals promote it because it makes them money Socialists are making con artists wealthy over something that didnt have a 1 in 500 chance of passing making the average leftist the most dumb morons outside of an Amazon Rain Forest tribe ---------------------------------------- this is only a partial list of people Sanders endorsed who lost elections Keith Ellison - for Tom Perez' job Kimberly Ellis lost Vincent Fort lost Heath Mello lost Tom Perriello lost Rob Quist lost James Thompson lost Zephyr Teachout lost Abdul El-Sayed lost Ben Jealous lost Stacey Abrams L Andrew Gillum L Randy Bryce L J.D. Scholten L Pete D'Alessandro L Brent Welder L Laura Moser L Paula Jean Swearengin L Tiffany Cabán L Cori Bush L US Senate Attempts by socialists former Platoon movie extra Shahid Buttar Sema Hernandez TX Zak Ringelstein ME Kerri Evelyn Harris DE Deedra Abboud AZ Alison Hartson CA Paula Jean Swearengin WV Shahid Buttar- extra from the movie Platoon Governor races attempted by socialists Ben Jealous MD Cynthia Nixon NY Abdul El-Sayed MI Constance N. Johnson OK Tom Wakely TX US House House attempts by socialists Mary Matiella AZ 2 Brianna Westbrook AZ 8TH Audrey Denney CA 1st Roza Calderon CA 4th Dotty Nygard CA 10th Bryan Caforio CA 25th Laura Oatman CA 48th Doug Applegate CA 49th Ammar Campa-Najjar CA 50th Stephany Rose Spaulding CO 5th Levi Tillemann CO 6th Chardo Richardson FL 7th Michael A. Hepburn FL 27th Lisa Ring GA 1st -- Kaniela Ing HI 1st Courtney Rowe IA 1st Pete D'Alessandro IA 3rd Carlos Ramirez-Rosa IL Marie Newman IL 3rd Sameena Mustafa IL 5th Anthony Clark IL 7th David Gill IL 13th Daniel Canon IN 9th Brent Welder KS 3rd James Thompson KS 4th Juana Matias MA 3rd Matt Morgan MI 1st Rob Davidson MI 2nd David Benac MI 6th Fayrouz Saad MI 11th Abdul El-Sayed MI gov Cori Bush MO 1st John Heenan MT US Congress Kara Eastman NE 2nd --Amy Vilela NV 4th Peter Jacob NJ 7th Antoinette Sedillo Lopez NM 1st Jeff Beals NY 19th Patrick Nelson NY 21st Ian Golden NY 23rd Jenny Marshall NC 5th John Russell OH 12th Greg Edwards PA 7th Jessica King PA 11th Jimmy Darnell Jones TX 2nd Lorie Burch TX 3rd Laura Moser TX 7th Vanessa Adia TX 12th Adrienne Bell TX 14th --Derrick Crowe TX 21st Mary Wilson TX 21st -- Rick Treviño TX 23rd Linsey Fagan TX 26th Ali Khorasani TX Justin Snider TX James Singer UT 3 Darlene McDonald UT 4th Darlene McDonald WA 3rd -- Sarah Smith WA 9th Randy Bryce WI 1st -- endorsed and funded by both JD & Our Revolution ---------------------------------------- The only big win in FIVE WHOLE YEARS: A multimillionaire ran the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez campaign. He flew in 10 Bernie staffers into NYC to live for 8-10 months and work on the campaign. Ocasio's was the largest US House campaign staff and operation in history. YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW HER NAME UNLESS SHE HAD THIS level of MASSIVE FIREPOWER including 50 leftist writers and promoters, including half the staff of the Intercept Socialism didnt win. BIG MONEY WON